WIPACrepo / wipac-telemetry

WIPAC Telemetry: Monitoring/Tracing Applications, Supporting Infrastructures, and Services
MIT License
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WIPAC Telemetry: Monitoring/Tracing Applications, Supporting Infrastructures, and Services

Tracing Tools


Most of the major functionality is configurable via environment variables. Traces are not exported by default.

Environment Variables

Name Type/Options Description Null Case Example & Notes
OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT string address of collector service no traces exported https://my.url.aq/traces/go/here
WIPACTEL_EXPORT_STDOUT True or False whether to print the traces no traces printed
WIPACTEL_LOGGING_LEVEL debug, info, etc. minimum logging level for WIPACTEL actions warning (or root logger's level if that's higher)
WIPACTEL_SERVICE_NAME_PREFIX string prefix for the tracing service's name "" mou (results in a service called "mou/server" instead of just "server")

Running with Local Collector Service UI (Jaegar)

  1. cd examples/telemetry-server/jaeger-production && ./start-jaeger-production.sh
  2. Open new terminal:
  3. export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:4318/v1/traces
  4. Run script(s) and/or module(s)
  5. Go to http://localhost:16686/