A template web application using docker, traefik, postgres, webapi, razor pages and blazor
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A complete sample web application set using docker, postgres, web api, razor pages and razor components


  1. Visual Studio 2019 with the ASP.NET and web development workload
  2. .NET Core SDK 3.0 Preview

    Running the Admin Panel

    • Set Api Project as Startup Project, by right clicking on it in solution explorer
    • Make sure the postgres server is running at localhost:5432
    • Enter "DB_USER": "your username", "DB_PASS": "your pass", in appsettings.Development.json for postgres
    • Run migrations in Api Project update-database using package manager console
    • Open terminal in Api Directory and run dotnet watch run
    • Open terminal in Admin Directory and run dotnet watch run
    • Open Admin panel http://localhost:9002

To work on Razor Components project in Visual Studio: