WMD-group / kgrid

Calculate the required k-point density from the input geometry for periodic quantum chemistry calculations
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Version 1.2: Change log

Generates a suitably converged k-point grid for solid-state quantum chemical calculations.

Current status

Two programs are provided: kgrid and kgrid-series






From the command line

    kgrid FILE -t TYPE -c CUTOFF

will return a suggested set of mesh dimensions. FILE can be any file format supported by ASE; if no FILE is specified, kgrid will look for a geometry.in file in the current directory. TYPE is a string specifying the format of this file; usually this argument can be left out and the correct type will be inferred by ASE. CUTOFF is the real-space cutoff parameter in Å and defaults to 10.0.

There is an internal Python function which may prove useful to ASE users, with the form

kgrid.calc_kpt_tuple(atoms, cutoff_length=10)

where atoms is an ASE atoms object and the function returns a tuple. As such, kgrid may be used while setting up a calculation with a typical ASE calculator. For example:

import kgrid
from ase.io import read
from ase.calculators.vasp import Vasp

atoms = read('my_favourite_structure.cif')
calc = Vasp(xc='PBE',

would perform a VASP calculation in the current directory with the PBE functional, using kgrid to determine the reciprocal-space sampling.


kgrid-series FILE -t TYPE --min MIN --max MAX

Example output:

Length cutoff  KSPACING    Samples
-------------  --------  ------------
      10.630    0.2956     2   7   4
      11.260    0.2790     2   8   4
      11.860    0.2649     2   8   5
      12.148    0.2586     3   8   5
      13.666    0.2299     3   9   5
      14.075    0.2232     3  10   5
      15.185    0.2069     3  10   6
      16.703    0.1881     3  11   6
      16.890    0.1860     3  12   6
      17.790    0.1766     3  12   7
      18.222    0.1724     4  12   7
      19.705    0.1594     4  13   7
      19.741    0.1591     4  13   8
      21.259    0.1478     4  14   8
      22.520    0.1395     4  15   8
      22.777    0.1379     4  15   9
      23.720    0.1324     4  16   9
      24.296    0.1293     5  16   9
      25.335    0.1240     5  17   9
      25.814    0.1217     5  17  10
      27.333    0.1149     5  18  10
      28.150    0.1116     5  19  10
      28.852    0.1089     5  19  11
      29.650    0.1060     5  20  11

Use the --castep option to replace KSPACING with "MP SPACING", which corresponds to the KPOINTS_MP_SPACING parameter in CASTEP (i.e. divide by 2π).


kgrid uses setuptools; from a reasonable healthy Python environment you can use

pip install .

with the usual pip caveats:

kgrid is not developed on Windows but no problems are anticipated; the Anaconda Python distribution includes pip. We have had good experiences using the Windows subsystem for Linux (WSL), available on Windows 10. On Mac OSX, the system Python does not include pip but there are various ways of getting a more complete distribution such as Homebrew or Anaconda.


To run the unit tests, install pytest and pytest-mock and run pytest from the project directory (i.e. the folder containing this README.)


This program is not affiliated with ASE or any particular quantum chemistry code. This program is made available under the GNU General Public License; you are free to modify and use the code, but do so at your own risk.


[1] Moreno, J., & Soler, J. (1992). Optimal meshes for integrals in real- and reciprocal-space unit cells. Physical Review B, 45(24), 13891–13898. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.45.13891