WP-API / new-list-tables

An experiment in re-writing the post list screen using the REST API.
GNU General Public License v2.0
71 stars 17 forks source link

New List Tables

The New List Tables (NLT) project is a React-based prototyping area for ideas around content management improvements in WordPress. This project was lead by the REST API core focus team, and aimed to modernise the WordPress Dashboard. While archived, the repository is left here for posterity as potential inspiration to the Gutenberg team.

Currently Supported



This repository is open for collaboration, and we'd love your help as we prototype ideas for improvements to the Dashboard.

We follow the Human Made React and ES6 styleguides, which build on-top of the existing WordPress JavaScript styleguides.

This project is licensed under the GPL v2. Copyright contributors.


The NLT project is built in React, and requires a build process via tools available on npm. You need to have both Node and NPM installed on your system. You'll also need git to clone this repository.

  1. Clone the project via git into your plugins directory:

    git clone https://github.com/WP-API/new-list-tables
  2. Install the npm dependencies:

    cd new-list-table
    npm install
  3. Run the webpack development server

    npm start