WPRDC / wprdc-etl

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ETL Processes for the Western Pennsylvania Regional DataCenter.

To see examples of how it's used, check out the WPRDC ETL Jobs.


It is highly recommended that you use use virtualenv (and virtualenvwrapper for convenience). For a how-to on getting set up, please consult this howto.

Once you have a virtualenv, activate it. From there, the following steps can be used to bootstrap your environment:

git clone https://github.com/WPRDC/wprdc-etl
cd wprdc-etl
# install dependencies. if you just need access the Pipeline and related
# classes, you can install via setup.py:
pip install -e .
# if you want to develop, you'll need to install additional requirements
# (such as the test runner):
pip install -r requirements.txt
# At this point, if you'd like to track the status of your etl jobs, you should
# be ready to create the status database. By installing the package above
# you should have access to two command-line commands, one of which
# will create the database for you
create_monitoring_db <path/to/new_status_database.db>
# note, if you need to destroy and recreate the status data at any point
# you can do so with:
# create_monitoring_db <path/to/status_database.db> --drop

Sample Job

The following commands will create a database in which to store ETL job statuses and insert data from example.csv to a CKAN instance running at http://data.wprdc.org.

cd /path/to/jobs_dir/
# create a status tracking sqlite db called status.db in jobs_dir/
create_monitoring_db status.db
# note, if you need to destroy and recreate the status data in status.db
# at any point, you can do so with:
# create_monitoring_db status.db --drop
# run example_pipeline from example_job.py in jobs_dir/
run_job example_job:example_pipeline
name birthdate last_visit visit_count
Susan 03/09/2016 01/25/2016T03:07 21
Xenos 10/29/2015 01/01/2016T22:41 9
Jordan 04/27/2016 10/25/2015T22:14 50
Xander 03/21/2017 06/19/2016T12:59 40
import os
import datetime
from marshmallow import fields, pre_load
import pipeline as pl

class ExampleSchema(pl.BaseSchema):
    name = fields.String()
    birthdate = fields.Date(format='%m/%d/%Y')
    last_visit = fields.DateTime(format='%m/%d/%YT%H:%M')
    visit_count = fields.Integer()

    class Meta:

    def format_date(self, data):
        data['birthdate'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(data['birthdate'],'%m/%d/%Y').date().isoformat()

target = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/example.csv"       # target file from which to extract data (in this case, it's a local file)

package_id = '83ba85c6-9fd5-4603-bd98-cc9002e206dc'     # GUID of the CKAN packagae(dataset) that the resource is part of
resource_name = 'Example Data'                          # Name of resource within that package
api_key = 'ApiKeyOf-CKAN-User-With-Privileges00'        # API key of user with write privileges to create
ckan_url = 'https://data.wprdc.org/'

status_db = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/status.db"

example_pipeline = pl.Pipeline('example_pipeline', 'Example Pipeline',
                               log_status=True, conn_name='./status.db',
                               settings_from_file=False) \
    .connect(pl.FileConnector, target) \
    .extract(pl.CSVExtractor) \
    .schema(ExampleSchema) \
    .load(pl.CKANDatastoreLoader, 'ckan',


Documentation is stored in the docs directory. To make and view docs locally, run the following (on a mac):

cd docs
make html
open _build/html/index.html

A make.bat file is included for windows users as well.