WSDOT-GIS / CIA-Local-Roads-Selector

A sample application that calls secure routing services.
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CIA Local Roads Selector

Developed for the WSDOT Construction Impact Analysis (CIA) application, this control that can be used to select a road segment between two intersections.

For background on why the control is structured in this way (i.e., a separate page inside of an iframe) see the ArcGIS-JS-with-AJAX-Control-Toolkit project documentation.

Getting started

In order to run this application you will need to create OAuth Credentials to access Esri's secure services. Once you have done this, perform the following steps.

  1. Create a copy of Sample.Web.Config and call it Web.Config.
  2. Provide values for the agolClientId and agolClientSecret settings in Web.Config.

The Web.Config file is ignored by the repository to avoid sensitive information being commited to this publicly-accessible repository.



This is the route locator control. You place it into another page using an iframe element.

data- attributes

The route locator can be controlled and restricted by applying certain data- attributes to its iframe container element.

<iframe id="defaultFunctionality" src=""
    data-routes='[{"name":"Broadway Ave & Broadway, Everett, Washington 98201 - Walnut St & 19th St, Everett, Washington 98201","wkt":"MULTILINESTRING ((1223777.0363041605 974286.4877257114, 1223938.2201941456 974283.0113976741, 1224134.034042777 974275.140388624, 1224479.1379762676 974260.4061769943, 1224824.3207971738 974249.3260509287, 1225166.9767772476 974234.6568145567, 1225355.4455387671 974226.9561179036, 1225678.5910221795 974216.3648643482, 1226026.1452692528 974201.6057042377, 1226363.9833899096 974190.7107014619, 1226613.66964021 974181.7100350896, 1226711.538362319 974175.9640899752, 1226712.4934973922 974175.9041382241))"}]'></iframe>

Communicating with the iframe

Routes can be added or removed from the route locator by posting messages to the iframe.

Adding a route
var name = "Broadway Ave from 17th St to Broadway, Everett, Washington 98201";
var wkt = "MULTILINESTRING ((1223777.0363042844 974286.4877314497, 1223938.2201942692 974283.0114034093, 1224134.034042901 974275.1403943684, 1224479.137976391 974260.4061827295, 1224824.3207972972 974249.3260566639, 1225166.9767773708 974234.6568202889, 1225355.44553889 974226.9561236326, 1225678.5910223026 974216.3648700896, 1226026.145269376 974201.605709979, 1226363.9833900325 974190.7107071971, 1226613.669640333 974181.7100408279, 1226711.5383624418 974175.9640957135, 1226712.493497515 974175.9041439623))";
    action: "add",
    name: name,
    wkt: wkt
}, [location.protocol,].join("//"));
Removing a route
var name = "Broadway Ave from 17th St to Broadway, Everett, Washington 98201";
    action: "delete",
    name: routeName
}, [location.protocol,].join("//"));
Responding to messages from the iframe

When a route is added or removed from the map a message event is set to the host window. When adding an event listener, the callback function will take a MessageEvent argument. This argument will contain a data property. The data property will contain these properties...

window.addEventListener("message", function (/** {MessageEvent} */ e) {
    var table, row, cell, deleteButton;
    if ( === "routes") {
        table = document.getElementById("routeTable");
        if ( === "added") {
            // Add a row to the table for the added route.
            row = document.createElement("tr");
            //row.dataset.routeName =;

            cell = row.insertCell(-1);
            cell.textContent =;
            cell = row.insertCell(-1);
            // Create a button that, when clicked, will delete the corresponding route in the map.
            deleteButton = document.createElement("button");
            deleteButton.type = "button";
            deleteButton.value =;
            deleteButton.textContent = "Delete";
            deleteButton.addEventListener("click", sendRouteDeleteMessage, true);

            cell = row.insertCell(-1);
            cell.textContent =;

        } else if ( === "removed") {
            // Remove the row from the table corresponding to the removed route.
            row = document.querySelector("tr[data-route-name='" + + "']");


This provides a REST endpoint for finding an intersection using reverse geocode. This feature is lacking from the ArcGIS REST API, so the ArcGIS SOAP API is called by this handler.


This proxy is used to get ArcGIS REST resources. This handles the retrieval of tokens so that none of this information is revealed client-side.

Development environment

This project was created in Visual Studio 2013.