WSDOT-GIS / arcgis-js-layer-list

Layer list UI control for ArcGIS API for JavaScript
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Layer List for ArcGIS API for JavaScript

Provides a layer list UI control for a map.



webmap parameter

You can try the demo a webmap from ArcGIS online by adding the webmap query string parameter.




This class is applied to the layer list's root <ul> element.


A layer's label will have this class.


This is for styling the per-layer controls' container, which contains opacity and sublayer controls.


List of a layer's sublayers will have this class.


The <input type='range'> element that controls a layer's opacity will have this class.


The badge classes use the :before pseudo-class.


A badge that is used to indicate a layer supports the dynamicLayers capability introduced at ArcGIS Server 10.3.

layer type badges


Clicking a layer's label will add or remove this class from the corresponding layer's list item element. This is used to hide layer's controls.

.toggle-closed .control-container {
    display: none;





OperationalLayer : Object

Represents an operation layer in a web map.


badgeUtils.createBadge(...classNames) ⇒ HTMLSpanElement

Creates an HTML span with classes applied.

Kind: static method of badgeUtils
Returns: HTMLSpanElement - Returns the HTML span element that can be styled into a badge.

Param Type Description
...classNames string One or more class names to be added to the span.

badgeUtils.createLayerTypeClass(layerType) ⇒ string

Creates a CSS class name based on a operationalLayers elements' layerType value.

Kind: static method of badgeUtils
Returns: string - A string that can be used as a CSS class name.

Param Type Description
layerType string The layer type's name

badgeUtils.createLayerTypeBadge(layerType) ⇒ HTMLSpanElement

Creates a span element with a layer type class and "badge" class.

Kind: static method of badgeUtils
Returns: HTMLSpanElement - An HTML span element that can be transformed into a badge via CSS.

Param Type Description
layerType string Layer type name


LayerList ⏏

Kind: Exported class

new LayerList(operationalLayers, domNode)

Param Type Description
operationalLayers Array.<external:OperationLayer> An array of operational layers.
domNode external:HTMLUListElement | external:HTMLOListElement The root DOM node: either an UL or OL.


Call this function to update the out-of-scale classes on layers.

Kind: instance method of LayerList

Param Type Description
scale number The new scale


// map is an esri/Map object.
map.on("zoom-end", function () {
    // Update layer list items to show if they are not visible due to zoom scale.

LayerList~root : external:HTMLUListElement | external:HTMLOListElement

Kind: inner property of LayerList

LayerList~dialog : external:HTMLDialogElement

Kind: inner property of LayerList


LayerOptionsDialog.createLayerOptionsDialog() ⇒ HTMLDialogElement

Creates the layer options dialog. The layer list will use a single dialog for the options of all layers. The controls and contents will be updated when called for a layer.

Kind: static method of LayerOptionsDialog
Returns: HTMLDialogElement - Returns a dialog that the user can use to set layer options.

LayerOptionsDialog.showLayerOptionsDialog(opLayer) ⇒ HTMLDialogElement

Shows the layer options dialog with options for the specified layer.

Kind: static method of LayerOptionsDialog
Returns: HTMLDialogElement - The layer options dialog for the input operational layer.

Param Type Description
opLayer OperationalLayer An operational layer


miscUtils~arrayContains(array, value) ⇒ Boolean

Determines if an array contains a given value.

Kind: inner method of miscUtils
Returns: Boolean - Returns true if the array contains the given value, false otherwise.

Param Type Description
array Array An array to be searched.
value * The value to search for in the array.

miscUtils~parseIntList(s) ⇒ Array.<number>

Parses a string containing comma-separated integer values into an array of integers.

Kind: inner method of miscUtils
Returns: Array.<number> - Returns the integers listed in the input string as an array of numbers.

Param Type Description
s string A string containing a comma-separated list of integers.

miscUtils~splitWords(s, [re]) ⇒ Array.<string>

Splits a camel-case or Pascal-case variable name into individual words.

Kind: inner method of miscUtils
Returns: Array.<string> - The input string, split into different parts.

Param Type Default Description
s string A camel-case or Pascal-case string.
[re] RegExp /([A-Za-z]?)([a-z]+)/g Regular expression used for detecting the start of a new word.


SublayerList ⏏

Kind: Exported class

new SublayerList(layer)

A list of a map service's sublayers.

Param Type Description
layer esri/layers/Layer A layer.

SublayerList~root : HTMLUListElement

Kind: inner property of SublayerList

SublayerList~createSublayerListItem(layerInfo) ⇒ HTMLLIElement

Creates a sublayer list item representing a layer info.

Kind: inner method of SublayerList
Returns: HTMLLIElement - A sublayer list item representing the input layer info object.

Param Type Description
layerInfo esri/layers/LayerInfo A LayerInfo object.


LegendHelper~getLegendInfo(mapServiceUrl, [dynamicLayers]) ⇒ Promise

Gets legend info for a map service.

Kind: inner method of LegendHelper

Param Type Description
mapServiceUrl string | esri/layers/layer Either the URL of a map service or a Layer class from the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
[dynamicLayers] Array.<Object> Dynamic layer definitions.


LegendItem ⏏

Kind: Exported class

new LegendItem(json)

Represents an item in a layer's legend.

Param Type Description
json Object Initializes member values.

legendItem.label : string

Kind: instance property of LegendItem

legendItem.url : string

Kind: instance property of LegendItem

legendItem.imageData : string

Kind: instance property of LegendItem

legendItem.contentType : string

Kind: instance property of LegendItem

legendItem.height : number

Kind: instance property of LegendItem

legendItem.width : number

Kind: instance property of LegendItem

legendItem.values : Array.<number>

Kind: instance property of LegendItem

legendItem.getDataUrl() ⇒ string

Returns a data URL for the legend item's image.

Kind: instance method of LegendItem
Returns: string - Data URL of an image.

legendItem.toHtmlTableRow() ⇒ HTMLTableRowElement

Creates a table row representation of a legend item.

Kind: instance method of LegendItem


LegendLayer ⏏

Kind: Exported class

new LegendLayer(json)

Represents a layer of a map service.

Param Type Description
json Object Corresponds to members to initialize their values.

legendLayer.layerId : number

Kind: instance property of LegendLayer

legendLayer.layerName : string

Kind: instance property of LegendLayer

legendLayer.layerType : string

Kind: instance property of LegendLayer

legendLayer.minScale : number

Kind: instance property of LegendLayer

legendLayer.maxScale : number

Kind: instance property of LegendLayer

legendLayer.legend : Array.<LegendItem>

Kind: instance property of LegendLayer

legendLayer.createHtmlTable() ⇒ HTMLTableElement

Creates an HTML table for a legend layer.

Kind: instance method of LegendLayer


LegendResponse ⏏

Kind: Exported class

new LegendResponse(json)

The top level of a response for a Legend request.

Param Type
json Object
json.layers Array.<LegendLayer>

legendResponse.layers : Array.<LegendLayer>

Kind: instance property of LegendResponse

legendResponse.createHtmlTables() ⇒ Array.<HTMLTableElement>

Creates an array of HTML tables with a layer's legend. Array ordinals correspond to layer IDs. Some elements may be undefined if there is no corresponding layer.

Kind: instance method of LegendResponse

LegendResponse.parseJson(jsonString) ⇒ LegendResponse

Parses legend response text into a LegendResponse object.

Kind: static method of LegendResponse

Param Type Description
jsonString string Response from a map service legend request.

OperationalLayer : Object

Represents an operation layer in a web map.

Kind: global external
See: ArcGIS REST API: operationalLayer

Name Type Description
id string The ID that will be given to the layer when added to a map.
layerType string The type of layer.
url string
visibility Boolean
opacity Number
title string
itemId string ArcGIS Online item id
minScale Number
maxScale Number