WSWCWaterDataExchange / WestDAAT

Managing the code of the Western States Water Data Access and Analysis Tool (WestDAAT)
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
5 stars 4 forks source link


Getting Started

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. Make sure you have the .NET 6 SDK installed.
  3. Start SQL Server (Docker or Host machine)
    • If you already have a SQL Server container running, just use that as the Host machine no need for docker.
    • To spin up a new SQL server docker container:
      • docker-compose file supplied in src/API/BackendServices/WesternStatesWater.WaDE.Docker/
      • docker-compose up -d
  4. Run DbUp project from WaDE2 repo
    • Note: No need to run DbUp if you imported bacpac files for the DBs
    • Need two databases WaDE2 and WaDE2Test
      • WaDE2Test is for the unit tests
    • If not using the default SQL server, update the connection string in launchSettings.json in the DbUp project
    • May need to run this twice if using docker
  5. Setup Function App
    • Open Solution: path to file WestDAAT\src\API\WesternStatesWater.WestDaat.sln
    • Right-click on Client.Functions project and choose Set as Startup Project
    • create local.settings.json file in the Client.Functions project
    • If necessary, create personal.settings.json to override any developer specific settings. As an example( e.g. Insert: {“Database”:{“ConnectionString”: “Server = ‘Insert server name here’ ; Initial Catalog = ‘Insert local db name here’ ; Integrated Security = true;”}}) However this may vary.
    • Set the listening port to 5001
      • Right-click on Client.Functions project
      • Choose Properties
      • Select Debug -> General -> Open debug launch profiles UI
      • In the command line arguments enter the following
        • host start --port 5001
      • Run the Function App
  6. Setup React App
    • install NPM packages.
      • From the DashboardUI directory: npm install
    • Requires Node version 16+
    • Requires NPM version 8+
    • Start React App
      • From the DashboardUI directory: npm run start

CORS errors

Update Mapbox Vector Tileset

Only do this if you need to update the vector tiles in maptiler

  1. Run MapboxTilesetCreate console app located in /tools
  2. Optional - Add personal.settings.json for connection string settings
  3. Allocations.Points.geojson and Allocations.Polygons.geojson files will be generated in geojson dir
  4. Run tippecanoe -zg -o waterRights.mbtiles --read-parallel --drop-densest-as-needed --extend-zooms-if-still-dropping --generate-ids --force -L points:"Allocations.Points.geojson" -L polygons:"Allocations.Polygons.geojson" This will take about 5 minutes
  5. Upload to mapbox studio
