WackyDawg / Tapswap-Clicker-v2.0

Bot that mines coins in Tapswap
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clicker nodejs tapswap tapswap-auto-clicker tapswap-clicker-2024 tapswap-coin tapswap-free-auto-bot tapswap-game tapswap-scripts tapswapbot

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TapSwap 🗲Auto Clicker V2.0

Welcome to the TapSwap 🗲 Auto Clicker repository. This script automates the clicking process in the TapSwap game, allowing you to maximize your earnings by running continuously 24/7. Unlike the manual tapping required in the game, this script ensures every second is utilized efficiently.

Functionality Notice

Boost Functionality Maintenance: The functionality for sending boosts (energy and turbo) is currently under maintenance. We are actively working to resolve this issue. Please note that during this period, boost activation may not work as intended.




  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/WackyDawg/Tapswap-Clicker-v2.0.git
    cd Tapswap-Clicker-v2.0
  2. Install the required packages:

    npm install
  3. Create a .env file in the root directory and add the following content:

  4. Open Telegram on your Android device, navigate to the TapSwapBot, and click the "Start" button. Please note that this procedure is specifically for Android devices, as it does not work on iOS devices.1718667497477
  5. Turn off your mobile data or Wi-Fi connection. Next, click the three dots in the upper-right corner of the screen and select "Reload Page." Once the page reloads, copy the full URL that appears1716671344482
  6. Paste the copied URL into the Url field in the sorter.js file and run it using

    node sorter


  7. You should get this response: "Details saved to credentials.json." Now go to the auth/credentials.json file that was just generated and use the details to set up credentials.js e.g.

    "query_id": "XYZ123ArAwAAAPcLYCtmJT0h",
    "user_id": 1234567890,
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Doe",
    "language_code": "en",
    "allows_write_to_pm": true,
    "auth_date": "1620000000",
    "hash": "abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890",
    "tgWebAppVersion": "7.4",
    "tgWebAppPlatform": "android",
    "tgWebAppThemeParams": {
    "bg_color": "#212d3b",
    "section_bg_color": "#1d2733",
    "secondary_bg_color": "#151e27",
    "text_color": "#ffffff",
    "hint_color": "#7d8b99",
    "link_color": "#5eabe1",
    "button_color": "#50a8eb",
    "button_text_color": "#ffffff",
    "header_bg_color": "#242d39",
    "accent_text_color": "#64b5ef",
    "section_header_text_color": "#79c4fc",
    "subtitle_text_color": "#7b8790",
    "destructive_text_color": "#ee686f"
  8. Now go over to the config/config.js and configure your settings for managing tap actions and cycles within the application below Below are the details of each property in the configuration:

    const tapsConfig = {
       "coinsPerCycle": "22",      // Coins earned per 2 taps
       "numberOfTaps": "2",        // Number of taps to send in each cycle
       "cycleDuration": "5",       // Duration (in seconds) within which the taps should be sent
       "boostInterval": 9600000,   // Time interval (in milliseconds) between activating boosts
       "energyThreshold": 2000     // Energy limit, for example, 1000, 2000, or 2500
    export default tapsConfig;
  9. 🎉 Voila! Now you can run the script. 🚀 Simply start up the script using node server.js so that we can restart the index every 30 minutes to get a new access token.


1. Start the server:

node server.js  


  1. The frontend server will start running on http://localhost:3000. Note that this frontend was created so we could send ping request with our cron job1716672376303

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