Fully Portable RVC: Voice Cloning Software
This project is a portable adaptation of RVC, a software that enables you to create a realistic voice clone. My primary goal is to simplify the software's installation process. This project offers a fully portable solution for installing and using RVC, ensuring its accessibility and convenience from any location.
The project aligns with the version of RVC at commit 937d748c672abbc49ea0f7f727f2760fc487f4ed. Any significant feature updates or crucial bug fixes in the original repository will prompt an update to this project as well.
This project, being a derivative of RVC, adheres to the same license terms. Besides, the software downloads and utilises two additional programs:
Ensure you read and understand the licenses associated with these software. No additional licensing has been incorporated to this repository. You have the freedom to use and modify this software as per your needs, provided you respect the terms of the original licenses. While credit attribution to me is not a necessity, it is highly appreciated.