Wago-Norge / wagono-mid-tig-stack

Wago Energy Meters (MID 879-30xx) with TIG-stack (Telegraf+Influx+Grafana)
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controller docker

description: Wago Energy Meters (MID 879-30xx) with TIG-stack (Telegraf+Influx+Grafana).


Supported Devices

Prepare the controller (omitted for Edge PC)


  1. Set PLC Runtime to 'none'.
  2. Enable 'IP Forwarding through multiple interfaces'.
  3. Enable Docker.
  4. Enable and set a NTP time server.
  5. Format a memory card as 'ext4' with label 'docker'.

Extend the docker data directory from internal flash to memory card. Change to “data-root”:“/media/docker”:

nano /etc/docker/daemon.json 

Reboot the controller.

879-30xx Setup

Default password is 0000.

  1. Download the Android app from store.
  2. Enter the MID menu and select bluetooth.
  3. Scan the QR-code.
  4. Go to settings and change modbus settings according to telegraf configuration.

Meter is using RS-485: Modbus® address 001 • Baud rate 9600 • 8 data bits • Parity: Even • 1 stop bit.


CC100: D+ -> A, D- > B/-

PFC200: Pin 3 -> B/-, Pin 8 -> A

Edge PC: Please check manual for the USB-to-Serial converter used.

Automated setup

To install the TIG stack we provide a script.

Log in to the controller as root-user and provide the password:

ssh root@<ip-address>

Download the init script:

wget -O init.sh https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Wago-Norge/wagono-mid-tig-stack/main/init.sh --no-check-certificate

Make the script executable:

chmod +x init.sh

Run the installation script and pass the amount of MIDs to be configured:

./init.sh <x>

x is restricted to maximum 10 MID meeters -> ./init.sh 10\ Please use excact amount of meeters. See issuetracker.

In case of any problems run:

./onboarding --help

Configure Influxdb in Grafana as described below in the "manual setup".

Manual setup

Permit docker to access serial port:

sudo chmod ugo+rw /dev/serial

Setup Telegraf

Get Telegraf from Dockerhub:

docker pull arm32v7/telegraf

Copy the script to '/home/admin' and make them executable:

chmod +x /home/admin/telegraf.conf

Create the container:

docker create --name telegraf --device=/dev/serial:/dev/serial:rw -v /home/admin/telegraf.conf:/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf:ro arm32v7/telegraf:latest

Setup Influx

Get Influx v1.8 from Dockerhub:

docker pull arm32v7/influxdb

Make a volume for data:

docker volume create influx-vol-data

Copy scripts to '/home/admin' and make them executable:

chmod +x /home/admin/influxdb.conf && chmod +x /home/admin/influxdb-init.iql

Create the container:

docker create --name influx -p 8086:8086 \
        -e INFLUXDB_ADMIN_USER=admin \
        -v influx-vol-data:/var/lib/influxdb \
        -v /home/admin/influxdb.conf:/etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf \
        -v /home/admin/influxdb-init.iql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/influxdb-init.iql \
        arm32v7/influxdb:latest -config /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf

Setup Grafana

Get Influx Grafana from Dockerhub:

docker pull grafana/grafana

Make a volume for data:

docker volume create grafana-vol-data

Create the container:

docker create --name grafana -p 3000:3000 -v grafana-vol-data:/var/lib/grafana grafana/grafana:latest

Default user is 'admin' and password 'wago123'.

There is an API key for Websockets live data present.

Setup start conditions

Copy the provided script to '/etc/init.d' and make it executable:

chmod +x /etc/init.d/docker-tic-stack

Then make a symlink to this script in /'etc/init.d':

ln -s /etc/init.d/docker-tic-stack /etc/rc.d/S99_zz_docker_tic_Stack

Run the stack

Repower the controller or execute 'reboot' command:


Configure Grafana

Quickly get started with datasource for Influxdb:

  1. Settings ->Add datasource -> InfluxDB
  2. URL: http://IPADDRESS:8086
  3. Database: wagodb
  4. User: admin
  5. Password: wago123

Add token for Telegraf websocket data:

  1. Settings -> API keys -> New API Key
  2. Key Name: telegraf
  3. Role: Admin
  4. Time To Live: 1y

Import the Grafana dashboards.