Open Diana-Cherry-8 opened 1 year ago
Добавить 2й метод верификации сайта с помощью ads.txt. Этот txt должен быть в root директории сайта.
Так оно выглядит в adsense
Добавить поле для ввода текста для ads.txt Ads.txt: Add your AdSense .txt text This text will be added to ads.txt to your site.
Заполнение одного из полей обязательное (или Adsense code, или ads.txt). Или можно заполнить и то и то.
Пример текста:, pub-4624906456940175, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
Также можно сразу добавить валидацию, например, что ", pub-" обязательное.
Чтобы нельзя было что-то левое ввести, особенно <script>
Add a new tab to the site configuration to allow the site owner to add AdSense ads to their site (
Texts: AdSense advertisements
Google AdSense is a program that allows website owners to earn revenue by displaying targeted advertisements on their site. These ads are chosen based on the content of the site and the interests of the visitors, ensuring relevance to your audience.
When integrating the AdSense code into your website, you can choose the level of ad intensity, allowing you to control how prominently the ads are displayed. Simply add the code from Google AdSense and select the desired intensity level on our platform.
AdSense code: Add your AdSense code This code will be displayed within the
tags on every page of your site.Level: 1 - Minimal 2 - Moderate 3 - Intensive Choose the advertising intensity to balance user experience with revenue generation.
Ad levels mean: 1 - little (Minimal) - By default. 2 - medium (Moderate) 3 - a lot (Intensive)
Example for AdSense code