Waiviogit / waivio

MIT License
8 stars 7 forks source link

Waivio πŸš€

Waivio is an Open Source social network and communications platform which extends itself to a variety of rich features and functionality including free digital payments and a marketplace for goods and services.



Quick Setup

git clone https://github.com/Waiviogit/waivio.git
cd waivio

yarn dev - waivio (PORT = 3002)
yarn dev:dg - dining.gifts  (PORT = 3000)
yarn dev:sg - social.gifts  (PORT = 4000)

Project Structure

Project tools

Common conversation

Code style

Just use prettier and adhere ESLint recommendations.

Git conversation

You need checkout branches and create pull request only for dev

Branch names should be prefixed with tech/, feature/ or bugfix/ followed by ticket number from Jira, dash and a few descriptive words.
Example: feature/WAIV-999-order-creation


Before commit, you need start command:

yarn prettier

Commit messages must follow the following format:

[Ticket number] [message]

[Optional body]

The message should be capped at 75 characters and must be in indefinite tense. It should read as '[If accepted, this commit will] add order creation'.

If provided, the body might include a detailed header, long description and a list of changes with bullet points, all of which are optional (you can use * in Markdown).
Please, DO NOT use fixes, applied fixes and other meaningless messages. If you apply fixes in a batch, use git commit --amend to prevent creating meaningless commits.

PR titles should follow the same format as commit messages. Just so that you know, if you submit a PR with one commit only, GitHub assigns the title of the commit to the PR and saves you quite a bit of typing.