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Update field: Wallet address #6484

Open Diana-Cherry-8 opened 4 months ago

Diana-Cherry-8 commented 4 months ago

To add wallet addresses for objects, a new field "Wallet address" needs to be added.

Add "Wallet Address" to object types: business, person, restaurant, place, company, organization, app. Include it as the last item in the About block. image

Modal Wallet address


Wallet address view mode

On the site, it will be displayed in the left column, after the main information and before the company ID. It will feature the logo from the chosen cryptocurrency.

If the user has not specified a title field, the text will appear as follows: {cryptocurrencyName}: {walletAddress} LTC: 0x11111111111111111111111111

The text will be clickable, serving as a link that opens a modal window with the address (if it is not HIVE).


View Address with QR code

After clicking on the link, a modal window opens. Inside the modal, users will find the address with a copy button and a QR code. image

Diana-Cherry-8 commented 4 months ago

If WAIV is chosen:
