WallaceBuilds / quick-compact

A batch image compression tool
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                            QuickCompact Documentation
                             Managed by WallaceBuilds

----- QuickCompact 0.9.0 ----- ----- September 13, 2018 -----

--- Current Functions ---

Source Directory - This is the folder/directory that the program will draw files from. The program is not currently built to pull files discriminately, so all files in the directory will be passed to the compression function and then verified to be compatible image files.

NOTE: If this section is not filled in, users will be asked to complete it with a dialogue between the "Compress" and "Cancel" buttons.

Destination Directory - This is the folder/directory that the program will place compressed files into. Since the program is not currently designed to rename files as they are processed, choosing the Source Directory as the Destination Directory will result in a total overwrite of all image files that are passed through the compression function. At the confirmation window, a special dialogue will warn users that this is the intended function.

NOTE: If this section is not filled in, users will be asked to complete it with a dialogue between the "Compress" and "Cancel" buttons.

JPG Quality - A slider that ranges from 1 to 100, its purpose is to allow the user to manually set the quality of JPG images. Doing this also allows them to increase or decrease the file size of each JPG image. This slider defaults at 100, which is a full quality compression.

Optimize - This function has the potential to decrease the file size of each image at the sake of increasing the amount of time the batch will take.

Compress Ratio - A slider that ranges from 16 to 1, it determines the final, reduced size of each image. For example, a compress ratio of 2 will divide the original image's x and y values by 2, whereas a compress ratio of 16 divides the original image's x and y values by 16. This slider defaults at 4.

--- Dev Notes ---

----- QuickCompact 0.9.1 ----- ----- Weekend Update ----- ----- September 16, 2018 -----

--- Added Functions ---

Compress Ratio has been renamed to Resize Factor.

Antialias - This functtion allows the user to select or bypass the antialiasing tool built into PIL/Pillow. Using it will make text in image files much clearer, but this also adds more complexity to the image files, thus increasing the final filesize after compression.

--- Major Updates ---

--- Minor Updates ---

--- Dev Notes ---