Wan-YunPeng / pydelicious

Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/pydelicious
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From del.icio.us to Python. Based on work done by Frank Timmermann\ [#]_. See license.txt__.


% python setup.py install

And either import the (documented) class::

from pydelicious import DeliciousAPI api = DeliciousAPI('username', 'password', 'encoding')

or use the functions on the module, listed below. Please do report <http://code.google.com/p/pydelicious/issues/>_ any bugs.


Access to the del.icio.us web service API is implemented in pydelicious.py. In addition the script tools/dlcs.py can manage a local collection of bookmarks.

The API class can be used directly::

from pydelicious import DeliciousAPI; from getpass import getpass pwd = getpass('Pwd:') Pwd: a = DeliciousAPI('user', pwd)

Either succeeds or raises DeliciousError or subclass:

a.posts_add("http://my.com/", "title", extended="description", tags="my tags") len(a.posts_all()['posts']) 1 a.tags_get() # or: a.request('tags/get') {'tags': [{'count': '1', 'tag': 'my'}, {'count': '1', 'tag': 'tags'}]} a.posts_update() {'update': {'time': (2008, 11, 28, 2, 35, 51, 4, 333, -1)}}

Either succeeds or raises DeliciousError or subclass:

a.posts_delete("http://my.com/") len(a.posts_all()['posts']) 0

Or by calling one of the methods on the module. These are functions that wrap common API calls. The signature is 'user', 'passwd' followed by the API method arguments.

These are short functions for getrss__ calls:

__ : ./doc/pydelicious.html#-getrss


For code documentation see doc/pydelicious or doc/dlcs.py. For TODO's, progress reports, etc. see HACKING__.

Note that for non-pydelicious related questions there is also a del.icio.us user discussion list at yahoo__.


Originally written by Frank Timmermann and hosted at: http://deliciouspython.python-hosting.com/ (defunkt).

.. [#] Google Code, pydelicious (http://code.google.com/p/pydelicious/).

.. : ./license.txt .. : ./pydelicious.py .. : ./tools/dlcs.py .. : ./doc/pydelicious.html .. : ./doc/dlcs.html .. : ./HACKING.rst .. __: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ydn-delicious/