Wandalen / wretry.action

Retry action for Github CI
MIT License
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action::retry status stable

Retries a Github Action step or command on failure.

Works with either shell commands or other actions to retry.


Github actions which use the Internet connection can fail when connection is lost :

Run actions/setup-node@v1
Waiting 15 seconds before trying again
Waiting 18 seconds before trying again
Error: connect ETIMEDOUT

It is a cause of failed jobs. For this case, the action wretry.action can retry the action immediately after fail or with some delay. And if the connection will be restored, then the job will continue the normal run.


Thanks to the provided typings, it is possible to use this action in a type-safe way using https://github.com/typesafegithub/github-workflows-kt which allows writing workflow files using a type-safe Kotlin DSL.



The name of a Github action. Format is {owner}/{repo_name}@{ref}.

Attention. Action requires defined action or command. If the fields action and commands are defined simultaneously, then action will throw error.


The command to run. The action runs the command in the default shell.

Attention. Action requires defined action or command. If the fields action and commands are defined simultaneously, then action will throw error.


An options map for Github action. It is a multiline string with pairs key : value.

An example of declaration of option with single line value :

- uses: Wandalen/wretry.action@master
    action: owner/action-repo@version
    with: |
      option1: value
      option2: value

An example of declaration of option with multiline string :

- uses: Wandalen/wretry.action@master
    action: owner/action-repo@version
    with: |
      option1: |
      option2: value


Setup working directory for the action. Works with only commands. Default is github.workspace path.


Pass context steps into an external action. The action cannot resolve runtime context steps from environment contexts. If you need valid context steps, then add option steps_context : ${{ toJSON( steps ) }}.


Set number of attempts. Default is 2.


Set delay between attempts in ms. Default is 0.


Set time out in ms for entire step including all retries. By default actions sets no time out.


Use any valid expression to control the continuation of retries. If the expression resolves to false, the action will interrupt the retries. Default value is true.

- uses: Wandalen/wretry.action@master
    action: owner/action-repo@version
    retry_condition: github.ref_name == 'main'
    with: |
      option1: value
      option2: value

Attention. The expression can be wrapped in expression tokens ${{ <expr> }}. The Github workflow runner will resolve the expressions wrapped in these tokens and replace the action input with the specific value. If you don't need the expression to be recalculated for each retry, you can put it inside the expression tokens.

How to use outputs of current step in condition

The action can resolve the output of the current step using the special syntax: steps._this.outputs.<output_name>. The action uses the special name _this to refer to the current step. If you have a step with the name _this and provide the steps context using the steps_context option, the action will rewrite the value of this field. This does not affect the outputs of the workflow, but allows the action to access the current step's outputs.

Example of condition with check of current step output:

- uses: Wandalen/wretry.action@master
    action: owner/action-repo@version
    retry_condition: steps._this.outputs.code == 0
    with: |
      option1: value
      option2: value


A token to access private actions. Does not required for public actions.


The action exposes single output named outputs. It collects all the outputs from the action/command in JSON map.

How to use outputs from the external action

To access the value from an external action outputs parse the wretry.action output and select required key. To parse the outputs use builtin Github Actions function fromJSON.

Let's look at an example:

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      # extract `outputs` from a step
      out: ${{ steps.my-action.outputs.outputs }}
      - id: my-action
        uses: Wandalen/wretry.action@1.2.0
          attempt_limit: 3
          action: user/action@version
          with: |
            foo: bar
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    needs: job1
      - env:
          # parse full map and store it to OUPUT1
          OUTPUT1: ${{ fromJSON( needs.job1.outputs.out ) }}
          # parse full map and extract field `foo`
          OUTPUT2: ${{ fromJSON( needs.job1.outputs.out ).foo }}
        run: echo "$OUTPUT1 $OUTPUT2"

To setup job output we access output outputs of the step my-action. In the job job2 we parse this output to JSON. The environment variable OUPUT1 represents full JSON and the variable OUPUT2 represents key foo of the parsed JSON.

How to skip pre or/and post stages

The repository provides three subdirectories, each containing a different setup for action retries:

It is crucial to note that, regardless of the retried action specification, the actions in the repository will only execute the declared stages. This behavior can disrupt your workflow, so please use the actions with caution.

Selecting the Alternative Action

You have a few options for obtaining a compatible action implementation:

Declaration of alternative action

To choose an alternative action add the action subdirectory in declaration of wretry.action. For example, the declaration with main subdirectory:

- uses: Wandalen/wretry.action/main@master

You can choose either method based on your preference. If you prefer not to perform additional manipulations, you can select the default wretry.action that retries all available stages of the external action.

Example usage

Retry action

- uses: Wandalen/wretry.action@master
    action: action/setup-node@2.3.0
    with: |
      node-version: 14.x
      architecture: x64
    attempt_limit: 3
    attempt_delay: 2000

Retry command

- uses: Wandalen/wretry.action@master
    command: npm i
    attempt_limit: 3
    attempt_delay: 2000

Development and contributing

To build compiled dependencies utility willbe is required. To install utility run :

npm i -g 'willbe@latest'

willbe is not required to use the action in your project as submodule.