WanderingPhilosopher / VanBitCrackenRandom2

The Newest Version of VanBitCracken...VBCr
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The Newest Version of VanBitCrackenRandom...VBCr

This program is really only intended for the BTC Challenge. However, you can use it to generate your own personal BTC address and use it.

It is a spinoff of JLP's original VanitySearch.

Program supports a simple -bits flag and Begin and End Range (-begr and -endr) flags. New version also supports full address with newer RTX cards. It has been tested on Windows 10 and Windows 11 on RTX 30xx cards, RTX 20xx cards and a GTX 1660 Ti card.

SHA256 Checksum for VBCr Windows:


SHA256 Checksum for VBCrLinux:


(Verify by opening cmd, change directory to where file (VBCr.exe) is located, and run CertUtil -hashfile VBCr.exe.exe SHA256

To run: Place VBCr.exe in a folder. Create a batch file; a few examples are below. Double click the batch file and you're up and cracken!

Batch file settings example using -begr and -endr flags:

VBCr -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0 -begr 20000000000000000 -endr 40000000000000000 -r 2400 -o 66BitChallengeKey.txt 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so
./VBCrLinux -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0 -begr 20000000000000000 -endr 40000000000000000 -r 2400 -o 66BitChallengeKey.txt 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so

Batch file settings example using -bits flag:

VBCr -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0 -bits 66 -r 2400 -o 66BitChallengeKey.txt 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so
./VBCrLinux -t 0 -gpu -gpuId 0 -bits 66 -r 2400 -o 66BitChallengeKey.txt 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so


printf("VBCr [-check] [-v] [-u] [-b] [-c] [-gpu] [-stop] [-i inputfile]\n");
printf("             [-gpuId gpuId1[,gpuId2,...]] [-g g1x,g1y,[,g2x,g2y,...]]\n");
printf("             [-o outputfile] [-m maxFound] [-ps seed] [-s seed] [-t nbThread]\n");
printf("             [-bits bitsNumber] [-begr BeginRange] [-endr EndRange] [-dis Display Private Key] [-drk Display random keys] \n");
printf("             [-nosse] [-r rekey] [-check] [-kp] [-sp startPubKey] [-rp privkey partialkeyfile] [prefix]\n\n");
printf(" prefix: prefix to search (Can contain wildcard '?' or '*')\n");
printf(" -v: Print version\n");
printf(" -u: Search uncompressed addresses\n");
printf(" -b: Search both uncompressed or compressed addresses\n");
printf(" -c: Case unsensitive search\n");
printf(" -gpu: Enable gpu calculation\n");
printf(" -stop: Stop when all prefixes are found\n");
printf(" -i inputfile: Get list of prefixes to search from specified file\n");
printf(" -o outputfile: Output results to the specified file; Default is KeysFound.txt\n");
printf(" -gpu gpuId1,gpuId2,...: List of GPU(s) to use, default is 0\n");
printf(" -g g1x,g1y,g2x,g2y, ...: Specify GPU(s) kernel gridsize, default is 8*(MP number),128\n");
printf(" -m: Specify maximun number of prefixes found by each kernel call\n");
printf(" -s seed: Specify a seed for the base key, default is random\n");
printf(" -ps seed: Specify a seed concatened with a crypto secure random seed\n");
printf(" -t threadNumber: Specify number of CPU thread(s). Default is number of core(s)\n");
printf(" -bits bitsNumber: Specify bit length for private key. Default is 0 bits. -bits overrides -begr/-endr. \n");
printf(" -begr Begin Range: Specify Beginning Range in which you want to search, ex: 30000000000000000. Must use with -endr\n");
printf(" -endr End Range: Specify End of Range in which you want to search, ex: 3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF. Must use with -begr\n");
printf(" NOTE: when using -beginr and -endr, the program generates random keys in between those ranges. It will not\n");
printf("       search sequentially such as start at begr and stop at endr. Random keys in between the 2 ranges ONLY.\n");
printf(" -dis Display Private Key info on screen: 0 = off, 1 = on. Default is 0 / off.\n");
printf(" -drk Display random keys: 0 = off, 1 = on. Default is 0 / off.\n");
printf(" -nosse: Disable SSE hash function\n");
printf(" -l: List cuda enabled devices\n");
printf(" -check: Check CPU and GPU kernel vs CPU\n");
printf(" -cp privKey: Compute public key (privKey in hex hormat)\n");
printf(" -ca pubKey: Compute address (pubKey in hex hormat)\n");
printf(" -kp: Generate key pair\n");
printf(" -rp privkey partialkeyfile: Reconstruct final private key(s) from partial key(s) info.\n");
printf(" -sp startPubKey: Start the search with a pubKey (for private key splitting)\n");
printf(" -r rekey: Rekey interval in MegaKey (millions). Default is disabled / 0.\n");

New flags: -dis = will show private key info on screen if found. -drk will display a few random keys on each rekey Example usage with -bits, -dis, -drk Batch file settings:

VBCr.exe -stop -begr 8000000 -endr fffffff -t 3 -dis 1 -r 30 -drk 1 12jbtzBb54r97TCwW3G1gCFoumpckRAPdY


VBCr v2.00
 Search For: 12jbtzBb54r97TCwW3G1gCFoumpckRAPdY [Compressed]
 Started on: Sun Jan 22 20:21:55 2023
 Randomness: New Random Keys Every 30 Mkeys
  Beg Range: 8000000 (28 bit)
  End Range: FFFFFFF (28 bit)
  Rng Width: 7FFFFFF (27 bit)
CPU Threads: 3

Random Key :  FABEC30
Random Key :  A1ECC58
 [00:00:00:04 Run Time][Total 8.64 MK/s][GPU 0.00 MK/s][Keys 35,030,016][Found 0][Rekeys: 0]
Random Key :  CF0A7FB
Random Key :  C2AA2EF
 [00:00:00:08 Run Time][Total 8.22 MK/s][GPU 0.00 MK/s][Keys 66,820,096][Found 0][Rekeys: 1]
Random Key :  AD3045D
Random Key :  9EF1989
 [00:00:00:12 Run Time][Total 8.00 MK/s][GPU 0.00 MK/s][Keys 97,549,312][Found 0][Rekeys: 2]
Random Key :  C69AA78
Random Key :  C12D635
 [00:00:00:16 Run Time][Total 7.93 MK/s][GPU 0.00 MK/s][Keys 128,915,456][Found 0][Rekeys: 3]
Random Key :  8F2D343
Random Key :  BBAC6E6
 [00:00:00:20 Run Time][Total 7.73 MK/s][GPU 0.00 MK/s][Keys 160,857,088][Found 0][Rekeys: 4]
Random Key :  AEFBEE1
Random Key :  D83BB40
Random Key :  E6213A7

PubAddress: 12jbtzBb54r97TCwW3G1gCFoumpckRAPdY
Priv (WIF): p2pkh: KwDiBf89QgGbjEhKnhXJuH7LrciVrZi3qYjgd9M82GSgY8p5EkUe
Priv (HEX): D916CE8 (28 bit)

Resuts turning off -dis and -drk (private key info is saved to output file):

Batch file settings:

VBCr.exe -stop -begr 8000000 -endr fffffff -t 3 -dis 0 -r 30 -drk 0 12jbtzBb54r97TCwW3G1gCFoumpckRAPdY


VBCr v2.00
 Search For: 12jbtzBb54r97TCwW3G1gCFoumpckRAPdY [Compressed]
 Started on: Sun Jan 22 20:26:13 2023
 Randomness: New Random Keys Every 30 Mkeys
  Beg Range: 8000000 (28 bit)
  End Range: FFFFFFF (28 bit)
  Rng Width: 7FFFFFF (27 bit)
CPU Threads: 3
 [00:00:00:20 Run Time][Total 7.63 MK/s][GPU 0.00 MK/s][Keys 158,656,512][Found 0][Rekeys: 4]

Example usage for puzzle 66: Batch file settings with -bits flag:

VBCr.exe -t 0 -bits 66 -gpu -g 360,512 -dis 1 -r 4800 -stop 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so


VBCr v2.00
 Search For: 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so [Compressed]
 Started on: Sun Jan 22 17:32:10 2023
 Randomness: New Random Keys Every 4800 Mkeys
   Key Bits: 66
CPU Threads: 0
GPU: GPU #0 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (24x64 cores) Grid(360x512)

Random Key :  308CABD0974C7A846
Random Key :  2DDDF79AA69152757
Random Key :  241E724176C37D12E
Random Key :  3A9BE47D2902961B3
Random Key :  29594D6602BAC5561
Random Key :  34C029367537AB77D
Random Key :  36CA9FB4B159874E1
Random Key :  3CEBED39C757C3BC3
Random Key :  39AE6B57B4375008E
Random Key :  2C6FBD43571960875
Random Key :  2C458006391314E2E
Random Key :  388CF936AF86FBEBC
Random Key :  3E20CECA93CD26179
Random Key :  28171277ABC6513AA
Random Key :  3C7458A90CDB9E5C9
Random Key :  35B83B533820443E3
Random Key :  3F79EDFD917F7F40D
Random Key :  26D22C54B3E56C08F
Random Key :  2B520833EB5D65AC7
 [00:00:00:08 Run Time][Total 641.81 MK/s][GPU 641.81 MK/s][Keys 5,284,823,040][Found 0][Rekeys: 0]
Random Key :  34701E3AA7DC4A9C9
Random Key :  311721AAFA63291AF
Random Key :  24F53302729C06B12
Random Key :  220C87CA487D29452
Random Key :  38928C9DBD913868F
Random Key :  205473A33ADBFADB7
Random Key :  2A85A07E94CB40676
Random Key :  3AF22678B4F8EC7BD
Random Key :  36F6F6E1D881D09CD
 [00:00:00:18 Run Time][Total 585.22 MK/s][GPU 585.22 MK/s][Keys 10,947,133,440][Found 0][Rekeys: 1]
Random Key :  24C0AC6142420FF73
Random Key :  30321534B1A02E433
Random Key :  3FFB145C6FFBF35C4
Random Key :  3F45CE92B4A273553
Random Key :  3E49607E3521F4BAB
Random Key :  3566688C488842EA7
Random Key :  39E4932A8F4C2B4E2
Random Key :  363F1768800CA7B74
Random Key :  31E941726B4CB19A8
 [00:00:00:28 Run Time][Total 546.81 MK/s][GPU 546.81 MK/s][Keys 16,609,443,840][Found 0][Rekeys: 2]
Random Key :  3F4A8574A7E7A842A
Random Key :  2ED1423A49BEFD822
Random Key :  2E1B48F713FC36A91
Random Key :  2395AB596D46E8735
Random Key :  2A9BB20FC39A514A0
Random Key :  25EF8DC515FF5C41A
Random Key :  2B731AD2F531FDB0B
Random Key :  3F34696509C5215AA
Random Key :  23F2B762A7E1069FA
 [00:00:00:38 Run Time][Total 557.05 MK/s][GPU 557.05 MK/s][Keys 22,460,497,920][Found 0][Rekeys: 3]

Example usage for puzzle 66: Batch file settings with -begr and -endr flags (these settings are saying generate random keys between 20000...and 21000... you can adjust -begr and -endr to whatever range(s) you want.):

VBCr.exe -t 0 -begr 20000000000000000 -endr 21000000000000000 -gpu -g 360,512 -dis 1 -r 4800 -stop 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so


VBCr v2.00
 Search For: 13zb1hQbWVsc2S7ZTZnP2G4undNNpdh5so [Compressed]
 Started on: Sun Jan 22 17:37:19 2023
 Randomness: New Random Keys Every 4800 Mkeys
  Beg Range: 20000000000000000 (66 bit)
  End Range: 21000000000000000 (66 bit)
  Rng Width: 1000000000000000 (61 bit)
CPU Threads: 0
GPU: GPU #0 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (24x64 cores) Grid(360x512)

Random Key :  204B1BC5E4EBD54D8
Random Key :  206555453432A4296
Random Key :  20D7230EF07E606CB
Random Key :  20A634C25C37983FB
Random Key :  2072035F104ACE59C
Random Key :  204CF3E6010A8B3D6
Random Key :  207B34B6E3934F5F9
Random Key :  2070FA5469ED248E3
Random Key :  2080730B9937ED5BA
 [00:00:00:08 Run Time][Total 663.47 MK/s][GPU 663.47 MK/s][Keys 5,473,566,720][Found 0][Rekeys: 0]
Random Key :  209B15FF38C0CD0DA
Random Key :  200D60A9EB76432DD
Random Key :  20C685592DA8078CE
Random Key :  20C02CB11B1CFD24D
 [00:00:00:18 Run Time][Total 571.96 MK/s][GPU 571.96 MK/s][Keys 10,947,133,440][Found 0][Rekeys: 1]
Random Key :  2081FAA95774DF2F3
Random Key :  2092F92246542F01D
Random Key :  20EDBF83BAFA82E78
Random Key :  2062CE60993802D7C
 [00:00:00:30 Run Time][Total 513.35 MK/s][GPU 513.35 MK/s][Keys 17,553,162,240][Found 0][Rekeys: 2]