Wangari-Joyce / Assessing-Variant-Calling-Pipelines-Mini-Project

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This mini-project involves assessing various variant calling pipelines inorder to come up with an optimized/standardized variant calling pipeline for analyzing insect and pathogen data.




To design a standard variant calling pipeline that is effective and reliable for analyzing insect and pathogen data, that will be adopted across various regions of the world.


To evaluate existing varinat calling pipelines, fill in existing gaps and modify the pipelines to suit anlysis of insect and pathogen data.

Evaluation criteria

Background information

What is Genetic Variation?

Types of Genetic Variation

1. Single Base pair substitution

The goal is to obtain a vcf (variant calling format) file that shows variants for all individuals in a given population

  1. Starting point-raw sequences
  2. Know where they align
  3. Know the genotype for each position
  4. Look across all samples and determine which sites are variants.

Work plan

Here is a link to our project road map