Watchful1 / CurseAppFeatureTracker

An independent tracker for Curse App features
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Curse App Feature Tracker

This repo serves as an independent feature tracker for the curse app. Except in special cases, this is not the appropriate place for bug reports.

The best way to both report bugs and request features remains the help screen in the curse app. This tracker is a good place to get feedback on ideas from the community before submitting them to curse, or for keeping track of and consolidating discussion on ones that have already been submitted.

Add a thumbs up to an issue if you think it's a good idea, a thumbs down if you don't. Feel free to comment on an issue if you want to add to the discussion, but please stick to the thumbs up and thumbs down if you don't have anything to say.

I've set up a couple Labels to use on issues.
Discussion is for features that haven't been submitted to curse yet.
Submitted is for features that have been submitted to curse, but no feedback has been heard.
Confirmed is for features that an official curse source has confirmed are being worked on.
Denied is for features that an official curse source has stated will not be implemented.
Completed is for features that are already available in the app.