Way2CU / Caracal

Fast, lightweight, developer oriented framework.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Fast, lightweight, developer oriented framework.



  1. Quick start guide
  2. Site configuration
    1. Configuration file
    2. Multiple language support
    3. Path handling and template loading
      • Error pages
  3. Framework tags
    1. Set session variable - cms:session
    2. Call module function - cms:module
    3. Include and parse template - cms:template
    4. Add raw text or include raw text file - cms:raw
    5. Include or use SVG sprite - cms:svg
    6. Show localized content from text constants - cms:text
    7. Parse parameter value as Markdown text - cms:markdown
    8. Show parameter language tags for backend use - cms:language_data
    9. Search and replace string with values in parameters - cms:replace
    10. Conditional template parsing - cms:if
    11. Multiple choice conditional parsing - cms:choice
    12. Parse child nodes only on desktop version - cms:desktop
    13. Parse child nodes only on mobile version - cms:mobile
    14. Parse child nodes for logged in users - cms:user
    15. Parse child nodes for guests only - cms:guest
    16. Include variable or parameter value - cms:var
    17. Include script in head tag - cms:script
    18. Include script from system collection - cms:collection
    19. Include style in head tag or link to other elements - cms:link
    20. Automated testing - cms:test
  4. Framework attributes
    1. Evaluating attribute - cms:eval
    2. Optional attribute evaluation - cms:optional
    3. Language constant tooltip - cms:tooltip
    4. Treating attribute value as language constant name - cms:constant
    5. Marking dirty block for cache handling - cms:skip_cache
  5. Modules
    1. Articles
    2. Gallery
    3. Shop
    5. Links
    6. News
    7. Language menu
    8. Contact form
  6. Globally available functions and constants in evaluation
  7. Coding style guidelines
  8. License
  9. Contributing
  10. Release notes
  11. Version specific SQL changes