WayneFerdon / WallpaperEngine.NeteaseMusicLyricDesktop

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WallpaperEngineDesktopWithNeteaseLrcDisplay | WallpaperEngine 网易云歌词桌面

Introduction | 介绍


monitor cloudmusic.elog and analyze it to get current lrc and playing state, which will be cached into module/NeteaseMusicStatus/cache and module/NeteaseMusicStatus/CurrentState.json

监控并分析 cloudmusic.elog 以获取当前歌词及播放状态,并将歌词和状态分别缓存到module/NeteaseMusicStatus/cache 及 module/NeteaseMusicStatus/CurrentState.json 中


Update lyric into the wallpaper


Requirements | 需求

  1. Python 3

Usage | 使用方式

  1. Run StartNeteaseMusicStatus.bat | 运行 StartNeteaseMusicStatus.bat
  2. Selet the wallpaper in Wallpaper Engine | 在 Wallpaper Engine 中选择该壁纸

Build | 编译

  1. Install requirements | 安装 需求文件:

    Python 3

    pykakasi for Python

    pyinstaller for Python


  2. make sure hook file for pykakasi exist | 确保pykakasi的hook文件存在:


    if not exist, copy it from | 若不存在,可从下方文件中复制过去


  3. Run ./module/NeteaseMusicStatus/Complie.bat | 运行 ./module/NeteaseMusicStatus/Complie.bat 进行编译

Inspire by another similar method on OS X by Jamesits

受启发于 来自Jamesits的在OS X上的另一个相似的方式