WeAllCode / website

Website running user and event management.
MIT License
32 stars 51 forks source link
django django-cms docker python weallcode

Custom-build Django application for We All Code

We, the community and staff, have been building a custom Django application to handle out many parts of our organization.

Initial Setup

  1. Fork and clone this repository locally.

  2. Download and install OrbStack for Mac/Linux or Docker for Windows.

  3. Copy the .env.sample file to .env.

    cp .env.sample .env
  4. Run the following to get a random Django secret key.

    python -c "import secrets; print(secrets.token_urlsafe())"
  5. Enter the output inside the .env file for SECRET_KEY. Be sure to include the double quotes (") around the key. It'll look like the following SECRET_KEY="<unique-key-here>".

  6. Navigate into the project directory via terminal and run docker compose up --build

  7. Load up your browser and go to

  8. When you are done, you can stop the project via ctrl+c

Debugging Accounts


username: admin@sink.sendgrid.net
password: admin


username: mentor@sink.sendgrid.net
password: mentor


username: guardian@sink.sendgrid.net
password: guardian

Continual work

After the initial project setup, you will only need to run docker compose up --build.

Useful Information

Set up main repository as upstream

To setup the main respository as upstream, you can add a new remote called upstream.

git remote add upstream https://github.com/WeAllCode/website.git

Update local code from upstream

To grab the latest code from the main repo (named upstream), run the following.

git fetch upstream --prune
git checkout main
git merge upstream/main main

Creating a new branch

Create a new branch based off of upstream's main branch.

git fetch upstream --prune
git checkout -b feature/a-good-name upstream/main
git push -u origin feature/a-good-name

Pull Request

Pull requests are always welcome. Make sure your pull request does one task only. That is, if it's fixing a bug, the pull request fixes only that bug. If you're adding a feature, make sure the pull request adds that one feature, not multiple at once.

Follow the "Creating a new branch" step above. Be sure to always push to your origin remote, not upstream.

Running commands on the docker container

docker compose run --rm app <command>


docker compose run --rm app /bin/bash
docker compose run --rm app poetry lock
docker compose run --rm app python manage.py makemigrations
docker compose run --rm app python manage.py migrate
docker kill $(docker ps -q); docker compose rm -f; docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true);
docker compose build