WeAreFairphone / community-portal

A Jekyll-based static site for informing about WeAreFairphone community activities
GNU General Public License v3.0
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WeAreFairphone community landing page

A Jekyll-based static site used to inform the public of WeAreFairphone community activities.

Features are discussed on the Fairphone forum thread.


First, make sure, you have Ruby* and bundler installed.

Then run bundle install and you are ready to start.

* Ruby 2.5 is not currently supported.


Blog articles

For blog posts, create Markdown files in _posts. You can write drafts in _drafts, which won't get published.


For pages, just create Markdown files in the root directory.

Linking forum articles

Every page has the option to name one further reading forum post. Therefore it needs a further_reading in its Preface. The corresponding value can be found in jekyll_get section of _config.yml. This in turn will download the forum post (in JSON format) and store it _data under the key given in further_reading.


Run bundle exec jekyll serve to start a development server and visit localhost:4000.

Note: If you try running this on a Windows machine you might encounter problems with the character encoding. To solve this, simply execute chcp 65001 in your current PowerShell window.

Tweaking templates

Since we use minima (as can be seen in _config.yml key theme), we can download files from that theme, drop them in the same place and start modifying them.

The idea could be to publish an own theme, once there is a stable version. This would likely move into its own repo and added as dependency here.


GPL 3.0. See license.