Install node through terminal. You only have to do this once, so if you already have node/npm on your computer, you don't need to complete this step.
Pull the files to update your local copy, In the terminal and within the directory that holds all of the files for this website, type "npm install", once everything is installed type "npm start app.js" or install nodemon and run "nodemon app.js" so that you don't have to restart npm each time (if you don't run nodemon, you will have to restart npm each time you make a change and want to see it).
Once you are notified that it is running on the localhost, open your browser and type in localhost:8000 to pull up the website
First make sure that the master branch is working and that heroku is installed. Then push using "git push heroku" or "git push heroku master" and check the website to make sure the proper changes have been made!
Main Programs Page : Info about Speaker Series, Engineering workshops, and highschool workshops (programs that don't need a lot of information)