WeTransfer / apiculture

Honey-tasting REST API toolkit for Sinatra
MIT License
12 stars 3 forks source link


A little toolkit for building RESTful API backends on top of Rack.



A simple API definition DSL with simple premises:

A taste of honey

class Api::V2 < Apiculture::App

  use Rack::Parser, :content_types => {
    'application/json'  => JSON.method(:load).to_proc

  extend Apiculture

  desc 'Create a Contact'
  required_param :name, 'Name of the person', String
  param :email, 'Email address of the person', String
  param :phone, 'Phone number', String, cast: ->(v) { v.scan(/\d/).flatten.join }
  param :notes, 'Notes about this person', String
  api_method :post, '/contacts' do
    # anything allowed within Sinatra actions is allowed here, and
    # works exactly the same - but we suggest using Actions instead.
    action_result CreateContact # uses Api::V2::CreateContact

  desc 'Fetch a Contact'
  route_param :id, 'ID of the person'
  responds_with 200, 'Contact data', {name: 'John Appleseed', id: "ac19...fefg"}
  api_method :get, '/contacts/:id' do | person_id |
    json Person.find(person_id).to_json

Generating documentation

For the aforementioned example:

File.open('API.html', 'w') do |f|
  f << Api::V2.api_documentation.to_html

or to get it in Markdown:

File.open('API.md', 'w') do |f|
  f << Api::V2.api_documentation.to_markdown

Running the tests

$ bundle exec rspec

If you want to also examine the HTML documentation that gets built during the test, set SHOW_TEST_DOC in env:

$ SHOW_TEST_DOC=yes bundle exec rspec

Note that this requires presence of the open commandline utility (should be available on both OSX and Linux).

Contributing to apiculture


Copyright (c) 2015-2018 WeTransfer. See LICENSE.txt for further details.