Web3-Conf-India / Hack-Web3Conf

13 stars 12 forks source link

Submission: Alpha #15

Open 0xrishabh opened 2 years ago

0xrishabh commented 2 years ago

Team Name


Team members (if changed)

Member #1 Name: Purva Chaudhari Email: purva dot chaudhari18 @ vit dot edu Twitter handle: 0xpc02 Discord ID (with #tag); Purva Chaudhari#1476

Member #2 Name: Rishabh Shukla Email: 621hy.hack@inbox.testmail.app Twitter handle: 0xrishabh Discord ID (with #tag); 0xrishabh#8028

Project Name


Contact Details


Project Track


Sponsor Bounties

IPFS Filecoin

Link to project GitHub public repo


Link to project website


Contract address

Goerli Testnet:

  Verifier contract : 0x66EEF07c3CDA2e394d70108F0e775CE585a2D51e
  PoseidonT3 contract : 0xa8A7DBA3935d125A186f3628C4F41B7D03C233E7
  IncrementalBinaryTree contract : 0x2ea66dFcf2E8f77C8d68F6f4B2de0aeAa7e88e02
  Zk-Writer contract : 0x536b625869469Bb6d3880205B460E08bF4bF3c62


In this data-driven world, the main concern has been people’s privacy. Almost every application asks for user details and there is always an "I accept the terms and conditions agreement" with the application company. We are bound to sign the application and give the company the right to use our data. However decentralized technologies and the emerging Zero Knowledge research are ushering in an era where this dependency can be eliminated and the authenticity of a user can be verified without actually revealing any of the user data.

“Unifying through Decentralization” and “Complete Anonymity” has been the biggest boon of Web3 and one of the most significant limitations of Web2 applications. Taking this into account we were motivated to build a zero-knowledge blogging platform for anonymous blogging. One of the most substantial use cases of such a platform is for journalists giving them complete freedom to write articles/share their views without being prone to any threats

What it does

ZK-Writers is a zero-knowledge based anonymous blogging platform which uses semaphores. Semaphore is a protocol, designed to be a simple and generic privacy layer for Ethereum DApps. Using zero-knowledge, Ethereum users can prove their membership in a group and send signals without revealing their original identity. Additionally, we have used relayers to conceal and fortify the transaction and thus provide complete anonymity.

Here is the system diagram describing the workflow of the application


Challenges you ran into

Anything else?

While the app is a functional proof of concept of an anonymous blogging site, it might be limited in features at this stage. Some of the future prospects are - Add comments functionality An option for the user to link his previous blogs (by verifying the authorship of an article anonymously)