Web3-Conf-India / Hack-Web3Conf

13 stars 12 forks source link


How to submit:

Submissions :

All the Project Submissions have to done by making an issue in this repository. The guidelines to followed for the same have been mentioned below:

Project Tracks:

Choose from the below tracks:

We also have 2 additional tracks from our partner GirlScript Foundation:


Top 2 submission in every track will get the following:

All valid submissions for any track or sponsor bounty will be eligible to get a REAL SHIT conference pass for all of their team members.

Sponsor Bounties :

IPFS Filecoin Bounty

Storage Wizard : The best use of IPFS for content addressing and/or Filecoin for persistent, decentralized storage for any track. Projects that use NFT.storage, web3.storage or similar tooling may also qualify. For more details about tools that qualify, please read this page: https://ecosystem-wg.notion.site/Filecoin-IPFS-Hackathon-Judging-Criteria-fb29da31431c4c8da1be6c30e1d0ef82

Bounty Prize :

Alchemy Bounty

Gitopia Bounty


Teams can register on Google Form and make a submission on GitHub here till 30th of July, 2022. No late submissions will be accepted as we need to give conference tickets to the valid submissions and winners.

Contact :

All registered teams on Google Form will be getting a link to join our Telegram channel.

All the Best! LFG :rocket: