Web3-Conf-India / Hack-Web3Conf

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Submission: Quilt #17

Open champ5898 opened 2 years ago

champ5898 commented 2 years ago

Team Name


Team members (if changed)

Member #1 Name: Email: Twitter handle: Discord ID (with #tag);

Project Name


Contact Details


Project Track


Sponsor Bounties

IPFS Filecoin

Link to project GitHub public repo


Link to project website

https://quilt.chat/ , https://testing.quilt.chat/

Link to demo video


Contract address

0x65F0242E58468694d555914E8608748742adD7F5 0x7eEa82C6cEEfB6423Afae369dC8A2e612f9AD1F4


Our inspiration for building quilt was is the centralisation of data and the lack of privacy provided by social media platforms such as twitter. Over the years, we’ve seen an alarming rise of hacks, which has caused losses of billions from multi-national corporations to the everyday man.

Also, due to these issues, individuals have lost trust in these social media platforms because they are prone to attacks, and your information is sold to enrich their pocket to our detriment. We have also seen that Web3 platforms such as NFT marketplaces and gaming projects have become relatively centralised, which has deviated from the ideology of Web3, a decentralised and ‘free’ platform.

Platforms like Opensea, which recently an executive got arrested for insider trading, have become relatively centralised. Gamers on Web3 projects can’t immerse themselves in games because they can’t trade their assets in-game or communicate with their peers, but most result in moving to centralised platforms like Twitter, Discord, Telegram etc. NFT collectors can’t also reach out to Artists to issue commissions without using crude means such as emails or Direct Messages (DMs), which never get opened because of the rate of scams and distrusts.

Lastly, there isn’t a means for Web3 enthusiasts to socialise and transact amongst various chains, ‘an interconnected’ means of socialisation and transaction.

What it does

The project we’ve released is a CAAS (Chat-as a service). However, our project is a social protocol that’ll create an interconnected Web3 where everyone can socialise and transact no matter the chain.

Challenges you ran into

The problem we came across was trying to migrate to OrbidDB. However, we will work on it in the coming weeks, and Gun shutting down on us, which we were able to solve. Also, working on building a version on Tezos.

Anything else?

We have a rough version on Tezos that allows public chat.