Web3-Conf-India / Hack-Web3Conf

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Submission: Decode #18

Open ishitarastogi opened 2 years ago

ishitarastogi commented 2 years ago

Team Name


Team members (if changed)

Member #1 Name: Ishita Rastogi Email: ishita3099@gmail.com Twitter handle:Ishita_30 Discord ID (with #tag); Ishita#9319

Member #2 Name: Pranshu Rastogi Email: pranshurastogi3196@gmail.com Twitter handle: pranshu3196 Discord ID (with #tag); pranshu#1367

Project Name


Contact Details


Project Track


Sponsor Bounties

IPFS Filecoin, Alchemy

Link to project GitHub public repo


Link to project website


Link to demo video


Contract address

No response


Blockchain has a great community. So we wanted to give something to the community by the community. Creators put lot of efforts in building quality content and we believe they deserve a lot more than appreciation. We also discovered lens protocol which is best tool to achieve what we thought.

What it does

This project allows you to contribute to the community through documentation, video tutorials, and projects while being incentivised. It use the Lens protocol (Social media graph) to achieve our objectives. We used the Lens protocol's Follow Module and Collect Module to monteitize our creator in best way possible.

Challenges you ran into

  1. Posting publication was quite challenging as we have to follow strict meta data standards and we are making some mistakes in designing metadata standards.
  2. Sometimes maybe there were some glitch with API endpoint so that delayed the progress.
  3. Using any technology first time bring many challenges(for us that was GraphQl, wagmi) but eventually we figured out the way by trying and trying.

Anything else?

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