Web3-Conf-India / Hack-Web3Conf

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Submission: CodeDecoders #2

Open Maadhav opened 2 years ago

Maadhav commented 2 years ago

Team Name


Project Name


Team members

Member 1 Name: Maadhav Sharma Email: maadhav2001@gmail.com Twitter handle: maadhav_sharma Discord ID (with #tag): maadhavsharma#5768

Member 2 Name: Kunal Jain Email: jainkunal976@gmail.com Twitter handle: KunalJa93189148 Discord ID (with #tag): Kunal976#8165

Contact Details


Project Track

NFT, Art & Gaming

Sponsor Bounties

IPFS Filecoin

Link to project GitHub public repo


Link to project website


Link to demo video


Contract address

Polygon Mumbai Testnet: 0x032FD6B1f03a4522e91E8daAC93121B1d22A7468


So we were looking into exploring the world of games in the web3 world, but sooner we realised that it was quite complicated to remember and manage which games we liked and with which we had fun playing. Also we were learning Unity game development for the past 1 month and were not able to find a perfect way of showcasing our projects. Almost all of the hosting services had a subscription cost which is not the perfect scenario for the open internet.

Hence we came up with Web3Games.space.

What it does

Web3Games.space is a platform/space which allows web2/web3 game developers to deploy and publish their browser based games on the Polygon blockchain. It leverages the IPFS technology to host the games efficiently for the users.

The launch of Web3Games.space aims to be the world’s first multi-blockchain gaming platform that allows gamers and developers to play and transact in games without moving a single blockchain asset.

Web3games.space is not only a platform, but also a full-fledged application and a publisher which has the ability to publish, develop and distribute games to the public.

The user can play the games without needing to go to various websites and remember them for the future. We allow the user to play the game directly from our platform, which saves time and allows them to store their favorite game in a collection.

We allow developers to publish their games on the IPFS. The feature is very useful for developers who want to directly share their software with the users without the need to pay for servers and hosting.

Web3Games.space also has plans for a reward system for the developers and users in the near future. We also plan to bring social features inside the platform, which would allow users to chat with their friends while playing.

We aim to be the open and decentralised Steam like game marketplace.

Challenges you ran into

  1. Iframe Cross Origin Issue: The original idea was to make a product which allows users to play their favourite existing web3 games directly in the platform. But we tried a lot on implementing a proxy iframe, but eventually we came up with a way to allow developers to upload their own games on the platform.

  2. Netlify Hosting: While trying to host the project on netlify, we were having really weird issues without any proper reasons getting displayed in the output. Eventually we figures out the problem, but it sure was a challenge.

3.IPFS hosting: IPFS works quite differently when compared to the existing centralised servers for hosting, figuring that stuff out was quite a interesting challenge which we were able to solve.

Anything else?

Future Roadmap