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Submission: Sapien.News #20

Open abh1 opened 2 years ago

abh1 commented 2 years ago

Team Name


Team members (if changed)

Member #1 Name: Abhinav Sharma Email: abhinavsharma2689@gmail.com Twitter handle: @meabhinavsharma Discord ID (with #tag); @abhay1239#7144

Member #2 Name: Deekshit Dsouza Email: deekshitdsouza@gmail.com Twitter handle: @DeekshitDsouza Discord ID (with #tag); @deekshitld#4171

Member #3 Name: Dhruv D Jain Email: dhruv@iamsizzling.com Twitter handle: @dhruvdjain1 Discord ID (with #tag); @Dhruv D Jain#3233

Project Name

Sapien News

Contact Details


Project Track


Sponsor Bounties

IPFS Filecoin

Link to project GitHub public repo

https://github.com/Sapien-news/sapien-solana-wallet, https://github.com/Sapien-news/sapiens-server

Link to project website


Link to demo video


Contract address

6mdT7qYCStq6RoRaVpJ3s8NnM4Le4aDkEh5zKQn1vKYH xpqf8AFoskZT2AfYUdSjvWRn2niqEcvTS1wrKQpuBia


Seeing people fall prey to scam news on so many different levels. Being the go to person for a lot of people to discuss crypto, I observed that the news content consumed by everyday users was really bad. If we want non tech people to adopt crypto we need to not ask them to fall and learn.

What it does

Any user can connect their wallet or make one and connect it to read articles curated by the community.

Anyone can submit an article, article media is uploaded to Storj and pinned to IPFS, with the response details of the IPFS URL recorded in the article meta data.

Submitted articles are mad available only to Sapien News Publisher NFT holders. They can curate, publish or censor these submissions then by voting.

Anyone can become a publisher by purchasing publisher NFTs made available on the platform.

Challenges you ran into

Developing the platform to handle very heavy traffic and be highly scalable, while remaining low cost yet effective and also be able to govern itself fast enough that content loses very little time on its shelf life.

Anything else?

IPFS pinning is done using a custom gateway and plugin for Storj storage with IPFS pinning(currently in beta). This is effective in reducing costs while improving UX and performance.