Web3-Conf-India / Hack-Web3Conf

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Submission: Xdev #3

Open taslimmuhammed opened 2 years ago

taslimmuhammed commented 2 years ago

Team Name

Team Xdev

Project Name


Contact Details


Project Track

Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

Sponsor Bounties

IPFS Filecoin

Link to project GitHub public repo


Link to project website


Link to demo video


Contract address

0x51383490f65E75d8A7ddFd3eb72eD1423241558D - Polygon Mainnet


When I heard about the capabilities of Ethereum, I was truly excited and really wanted to solve some of the real world issues with its extraordinary powers

What it does

Ncrypt is block-chain protected, advanced proof of work application, which can be utilized for claiming the copyrights and patent-ship of your works or creations. Currently patents are protected either by the means of papers or as digital assets . If we take the case of both , both of the ways are costlier and lacks security . Of course the non-digital ways are secure and do not need any protection regarding cyber attacks, but these has to be protected physically and governments has to spend huge money protecting them and these are not the ways of future or present, due to lack of easy navigation ,storing etc . And when we take the case of storing them as digital assets in web2, surely they are viable to cyber attacks and there is a good possibility these might be lost in the future, which is unbearable by the makers who created them.

Well here's where encrypt comes in , by utilizing the security of blockchain we are planning to protect these patent and copy Right documents. The Ncrypt is gonna be a web3 app that stores the metadata in Polygon blockchain (cheapest of available blockchains in terms of gas fee) and uses IPFS (Inter Planetary File System, this is decentralized storage platform) to store files.

Challenges you ran into

A decentralized app requires a decentralized storage , I was searched a lot free free and safe decentralized storages until I found Web3storage , I was amazed to hear that it provides up-to 1TB of decentralized storage for free .

Anything else?

ncrypt (2).pdf