Web3-Conf-India / Hack-Web3Conf

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Submission: BeepDAO #30

Open shabbiryk opened 2 years ago

shabbiryk commented 2 years ago

Team Name


Team members (if changed)

Member #1: Name: Shabbir Khandwala Email: shabbirkhand.sk@gmail.com Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/shabbiryk Discord ID (with #tag) : shabbiryk#2880

Member #2: Name: Bash Email: tanil1361@gmail.com Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/BashFunky Discord ID (with #tag) : Bash#8949 MetaMask Wallet address:

Member #3: Name: Aditi Polkam Email: aditipolkam@gmail.com Twitter handle:@aditipolkam Discord ID (with #tag) : aditi#3710

Member #4: Name: Suraj Upadhye Email: iamsurajupadhye@gmail.com Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/thesurajupadhye Discord ID (with #tag) : surajupadhye#0805

Project Name


Contact Details


Project Track

Hack for Women

Sponsor Bounties

IPFS Filecoin

Link to project GitHub public repo


Link to project website


Link to demo video


Contract address

The contract were deployed on Polygon Mumbai Testnet. Find the explorer link below : https://mumbai.polygonscan.com/address/0x11eD6f7cD36b116301Deb919eba824E68549AE05


In Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities, women are hesitant to buy hygiene products. Currently, 25 percent of online hygiene product orders come from tier II markets and 23 percent from tier III markets. Rural areas still do not seem to constitute a significant part of the consumer segment for the new-age brands as well. Menstrual health is still a far cry in India's villages. However, there is a growing interest amongst us ers in female intimate hygiene products. We can leverage blockchain technology and product innovation to change the same.

The rising concerns for hygiene among women have caused an uptick in demand for such items in the country. As a product for the future, FemPure comes up with a wide range of future possibilities.

FemPure is an e-commerce for hygiene products for females. It is an all web-3 project in which all the resources and services are deployed on-chain. Resources are stored using IPFS. FemPure will provide its user the ability to buy their hygiene product without the need of them entering details(Name, number) like conventional e-commerce, serving them with utmost anonymity and security.

What it does

FemPure is a complete decentralized e-commerce platform made for women with all the data hosted on IPFS which allows:

Challenges you ran into

  1. Maintaining the inventory of products available in different regions and researching the local delivery cost.
  2. Data handling: data in the app is increasing and requires constant updates and the amount of data stored is also too large this issue is resolved using IPFS
  3. Coming up with a website that's intuitive to web2 users was such a task.
  4. Optimizing the smart contract so it could fit in the size cap of 24kb.
  5. Integrating smart contracts with the front-end was a bit tricky as none of us had any exp in front-end development.

Anything else?

The video shows the actually projected prototype; below shown is our mock for the website:

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