Web3-Conf-India / Hack-Web3Conf

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Submission: <Synergic Developers> #31

Open shreya77077 opened 2 years ago

shreya77077 commented 2 years ago

Team Name

Synergic Developers

Team members (if changed)

Member #1 Name: Janesh Balchandani Email: janeshbalchandani@gmail.com Twitter handle:@balchandanij Discord ID (with #tag);jiggi#6421 MetaMask Wallet address:0x68FcE2692772f5B51A638D1c288C06951b91A4b1

Member #2 Name: Shreya Gupta Email: shreya.gupta13606@gmail.com Twitter handle:@shreya77077 Discord ID (with #tag);shreya77077#5118 MetaMask Wallet address: 0xdaF04EfFca811b6312a6fd959B5edCDfb73f81Ee

Member #3 Name: Pratyush Bhatnagar Email: pratyushbh12303@gmail.com Twitter handle:@Pratyush_bh Discord ID (with #tag);ZoroRexu#2252 MetaMask Wallet address:0xFddb1B63204F610e2C3eaeD3bd4e0F38CBCC1ab5

Member #4 Name: Shruti Paliwal Email: shrutipaliwal31@gmail.com Twitter handle: @Shrutisha6 Discord ID (with #tag);Scarlet_sky#4052 MetaMask Wallet address: 0x6b4Cf7BD5D7D12dc6F6CCc8635ab0344d2627D80

Project Name

Crowdfunding Portal

Contact Details


Project Track

All Things Devs

Sponsor Bounties

IPFS Filecoin

Link to project GitHub public repo


Link to project website


Link to demo video


Contract address

Polygon Mainnet: 0x7C9d3EEe78100e78d30eb3A585A8e9401aa0d284


We have observed the working of various NGOs, and charity organisations in Web2.0. A lot many frauds and trust issues have been committed. Here the person who wishes to donate may not know whether it's going to the correct organisation or not. To tackle this problem, we developed a decentralized Crowdfunding portal aiming to solve the trust issues for a noble common man. It is also a platform where any organisation or body can showcase their campaign and seek funds for donation. Because we want everyone to believe "Kindness is the greatest virtue".

What it does

We developed a decentralized Crowdfunding portal aiming to safeguard trust and privacy for the common man. It is also a platform where any organisation or body can showcase their campaign and seek funds for donation. Data is converted into the hash and stored into Ipfs, later showing it on the frontend. Your Metamask wallet is connected as soon as you land on the campaign page for people to donate funds. The target showed amount decreased as the user donate some money indicating the transaction is being done successfully at the right place. We had also deployed smart contracts one of which works on such a consensus mechanism that if the user donates to some false address account then the donation won't happen. As the list of the campaign will be checked during the donation process. Thus, making a decentralized smart and trustworthy Crowdfunding platform.

Challenges you ran into

  1. Displaying smart contract data on frontend.
  2. Storing and decrypting the data from Ipfs and then showcasing it on frontend was a challenging task.
  3. Updating the amount related to campaign.

Anything else?

No response