Web3-Conf-India / Hack-Web3Conf

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Submission: Identi3 #33

Open sharathguvvala opened 2 years ago

sharathguvvala commented 2 years ago

Team Name


Team members (if changed)

Member #1 Name: Sharath Kumar Reddy Guvvala Email: guvvalasharath@gmail.com Twitter handle: Sharathguvvala Discord ID (with #tag); Sharath#0530

Project Name


Contact Details


Project Track

All Things Devs

Sponsor Bounties

IPFS Filecoin, Alchemy

Link to project GitHub public repo


Link to project website


Link to demo video


Contract address

Goerli Testnet: 0x86bf1e92bAA4e29446e73793Ab0743ba7208d838


The web has come quite far since 1989. Businesses hold our data and can use it to be commercialised and used to manipulate public opinion. Personal data is being commercialised, and their algorithms easily manipulate public opinion. These lead to the concerns like monopoly, censorship, control, threat of hacking, and misinformation. We are bound to accept some conditions to use their services and by sharing our personal data. But Web 3.0 can solve the mentioned issues by giving data rights to the users, Zero Knowledge proofs and allowing them to transfer data securly in a decentralised ecosystem.

We wanted to give the user complete rights for his/her data. Identi3 is a platform that gives data rights to users and allows them to transfer their data securly. And the users have complete access on with whom they wanted to share the data.

What it does

About Identi3:

Identi3 is an easy to use platform and can be used by anyone. As the name suggests, its a Web 3.0 based dApp that has three steps to securly create, transfer and access your data on blockchain. Identi3 is powered by smart contracts, any user registering on Identi3 will have a unique name and a smart contract he/she owns to store their personal data.

Identi3 takes care of deploying the smart contract, in which the user stores their data on behalf of the user and transfers complete ownership of the smart contract to the user. This is automatically done when a user is registered with Identi3.

Anyone can request to see data of other users through dashboard, data will be visible to the requested person, if the owner approves this particular request. This way the user will have complete authority with whom the data is being shared.

Future Updates for Identi3:

Challenges you ran into

Anything else?

Decentralised Identities and Zero Knowledge will play a major role in coming days, and will define how we store, transfer and access data. Screenshot_20220730_225215 Screenshot_20220730_225224 Screenshot_20220730_225144