Web3-Conf-India / Hack-Web3Conf

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Submission: Mezmo #34

Open shuaibbapputty opened 2 years ago

shuaibbapputty commented 2 years ago

Team Name


Team members (if changed)

Member #1 Name: Shuaib Abubakker Bapputty Haji Email: shuaibabh@gmail.com Twitter handle: @shuaibabubakker Discord ID (with #tag); @shuaibabubakker#0246

Member #2 Name: Sallih Poovathingal Hussainar Email: salihpoovathingal@gmail.com Twitter handle: @Salihhussainar Discord ID (with #tag); @Salihpoovathingal#1917

Member #3 Name: Muhammed Hashir PM Email: mail2hashirpm@gmail.com Twitter handle: @0xHashir Discord ID (with #tag); @hashirpm#5760

Member #4 Name: Ziyad C Email: ziyadonji@gmail.com Twitter handle: @ziyadonji Discord ID (with #tag); @ziyad onji#4949

Project Name

Secure X

Contact Details


Project Track

Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies

Sponsor Bounties

IPFS Filecoin

Link to project GitHub public repo


Link to project website


Link to demo video


Contract address



A lot of evidence is manipulated in Courts, and innocent people are sued as a result of this. The court must rely on all of the intermediaries that stand between the collection and the submission of evidence. We are trying to alleviate the problems the traditional chain of custody has, including loss of evidence, theft, tampering, and worse, manipulation of evidence within the evidence management system.

If we fail to correct this systemic problem within our criminal justice system, we will all suffer the loss of many hard-working, honest, and falsely accused people who might have been excellent Police Officers, or the next great Doctor, Lawyer, Researcher, or Inventor. We simply can’t afford not to change, and blockchain in the supply chain of evidence is the change we need to implement.

What it does

Our project mainly has three features. One to Create a Case, next to upload evidence and last to get details of the evidence.Users can register a case using details like court id, case description and case start date. After successful registration of the case, a case id is provided in a popup notification. Using the case id, evidence submission date and evidence description, one can upload the evidence file. One can also get the details of evidence using the case id. There is also a provision to provide tips, to the one who uploaded the evidence.

We have used a smart contract approach to implement our project using Ethereum smart contracts. The front end part is done using React. We used IPFS for storing and sharing data in a distributed file system. Deployment is done using Polygon, as it solves pain points associated with Blockchains, like high gas fees and slow speeds, without sacrificing security.

NB: Functions Register a Case and Get Evidence are made public, only in the prototyping stage and for testing purposes. Both of these functions will be available only to authorized persons.

Challenges you ran into

We faced the challenge of quite high gas fees. We solved it with the use of Polygon, as it uses very low gas fees in form of MATIC. Another challenge we faced was, how to promote people to submit shreds of evidence. We solved it by using the tipping function, in which the person receives tips for submitting evidence.

Anything else?

This Decentralized Application can be used to upload evidence by users against any case number. As blockchain technology is used, the data cannot be changed after it has been successfully