Web3Auth / mpc-core-kit

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Web3Auth MPC Core Kit

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Web3Auth is where passwordless auth meets non-custodial key infrastructure for Web3 apps and wallets. By aggregating OAuth (Google, Twitter, Discord) logins, different wallets and innovative Multi Party Computation (MPC) - Web3Auth provides a seamless login experience to every user on your application.

Web3Auth MPC Core Kit Beta is a wrapper SDK that gives you all the needed functionalities for implementing the Web3Auth MPC features, giving you the flexibility of implementing your own UI and UX flows end to end.

📖 Documentation

Checkout the official Web3Auth Documentation to get started.

...and a lot more

🔗 Installation

npm install --save @web3auth/mpc-core-kit

⚡ Quick Start

Get your Client ID from Web3Auth Dashboard

Hop on to the Web3Auth Dashboard and create a new project. Use the Client ID of the project to start your integration.

Web3Auth Dashboard

Initialize Web3Auth for your preferred blockchain

Web3Auth needs to initialise as soon as your app loads up to enable the user to log in. Preferably done within a constructor, initialisation is the step where you can pass on all the configurations for Web3Auth you want. A simple integration for Ethereum blockchain will look like this:

import { Web3AuthMPCCoreKit } from "@web3auth/mpc-core-kit";

const DEFAULT_CHAIN_CONFIG: CustomChainConfig = {
  chainNamespace: CHAIN_NAMESPACES.EIP155,
  chainId: "0x5",
  rpcTarget: "https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_goerli",
  displayName: "Goerli Testnet",
  blockExplorer: "https://goerli.etherscan.io",
  ticker: "ETH",
  tickerName: "Ethereum",
  decimals: 18,

//Initialize within your constructor
const web3auth = new Web3AuthMPCCoreKit({
    web3AuthClientId: 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
    web3AuthNetwork: WEB3AUTH_NETWORK.DEVNET

await web3auth.init();

Login your User

Once you're done initialising, just create a button that triggers login for your preferred social channel for the user on their request. You can further use the returned provider for making RPC calls to the blockchain.

      const verifierConfig = {
        subVerifierDetails: {
          typeOfLogin: 'google',
          verifier: 'w3a-google-demo',
      } as SubVerifierDetailsParams;

      await coreKitInstance.loginWithOauth(verifierConfig);

For JWT(idToken) login

    const idTokenLoginParams = {
        verifier: "torus-test-health",
        verifierId: parsedToken.email,
    } as IdTokenLoginParams;

    await coreKitInstance.loginWithJWT(idTokenLoginParams);

🩹 Examples

Checkout the examples for your preferred blockchain and platform in our examples repository

🌐 Demo

Checkout the Web3Auth Demo to see how Web3Auth can be used in your application.

💬 Troubleshooting and Support

Development steps:-

Install dependencies:

npm i

Run tests:

npm run test


npm run build