WebAssembly / binaryen

Optimizer and compiler/toolchain library for WebAssembly
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wasm-opt wasm port performance #6338

Open kripken opened 8 months ago

kripken commented 8 months ago

This issue is about porting wasm-opt itself to wasm, and how fast it runs there.

The main blocker here was that it was 10x slower than a native build:


That turned out to be an issue with multithreading, and is fixed by using Emscripten's recent mimalloc port (see last comments in that issue). Now instead of 10x slower it is 2x slower, which is not bad considering it is managing to saturate all CPU cores like a native build.

Looking more into the remaining 2x, that factor remains even when pinning both builds to a single core, so multithreading is not related. Some quick profiling:

C++ symbols above 1% (linux perf)

Overhead  Command   Shared Object         Symbol
   6.07%  wasm-opt  libbinaryen.so        [.] wasm::LocalGraphInternal::Flower::flow(wasm::Function*)
   3.91%  wasm-opt  libc.so.6             [.] _int_malloc
   2.92%  wasm-opt  libc.so.6             [.] _int_free
   2.75%  wasm-opt  libc.so.6             [.] malloc
   1.98%  wasm-opt  libc.so.6             [.] malloc_consolidate
   1.61%  wasm-opt  libbinaryen.so        [.] std::__detail::_Map_base<wasm::LocalGet*, std::pair<wasm::LocalGet* const, wasm::SmallSet<wasm::LocalSet*, 2ul> >, std::allocator<std::pair<wasm
   1.47%  wasm-opt  libc.so.6             [.] cfree@GLIBC_2.2.5
   1.39%  wasm-opt  libbinaryen.so        [.] wasm::LocalGraph::computeSetInfluences()
   1.21%  wasm-opt  libbinaryen.so        [.] wasm::(anonymous namespace)::RedundantSetElimination::flowValues(wasm::Function*)
   1.17%  wasm-opt  libbinaryen.so        [.] wasm::PostWalker<wasm::BranchUtils::BranchSeeker, wasm::UnifiedExpressionVisitor<wasm::BranchUtils::BranchSeeker, void> >::scan(wasm::BranchUtil
   1.14%  wasm-opt  libc.so.6             [.] unlink_chunk.constprop.0
   1.06%  wasm-opt  libstdc++.so.6.0.32   [.] std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance(bool, std::_Rb_tree_node_base*, std::_Rb_tree_node_base*, std::_Rb_tree_node_base&)

Wasm symbols above 1% (node --prof)

   ticks  total  nonlib   name
   9241   86.9%   90.9%  JavaScript
    575    5.4%    5.7%  C++
     11    0.1%    0.1%  GC
    476    4.5%          Shared libraries
    348    3.3%          Unaccounted

In node there is some 5-10% overhead that is not compiled wasm code, and which seems to be V8 compiling the wasm as best I can tell, but that is minor compared to the 2x slowdown so we can ignore it. The compiled wasm breakdown looks like this:

   ticks  total  nonlib   name
    642    6.0%    6.3%  Function: *Walker<ReFinalize, OverriddenVisitor<ReFinalize, void>>::pushTask(void (*)(ReFinalize*, Expression**), Expression**)
    554    5.2%    5.5%  Function: *void SmallVector<Walker<ReFinalize, OverriddenVisitor<ReFinalize, void>>::Task, 10ul>::emplace_back<void (*&)(ReFinalize*, Expression**), Expression**&>(void (*&)(ReFinalize*, Expression**), Expression**&)
    437    4.1%    4.3%  Function: *LocalGraphInternal::Flower::flow(Function*)
    369    3.5%    3.6%  Function: *mi_malloc
    189    1.8%    1.9%  Function: *mi_free
    150    1.4%    1.5%  Function: *PostWalker<BranchUtils::BranchSeeker, UnifiedExpressionVisitor<BranchUtils::BranchSeeker, void>>::scan(BranchUtils::BranchSeeker*, Expression**)
    123    1.2%    1.2%  Function: *void SmallVector<Walker<TranslateToFuzzReader::recombine(Function*)::Scanner, UnifiedExpressionVisitor<TranslateToFuzzReader::recombine(Function*)::Scanner, void>>::Task, 10ul>::emplace_back<void (*&)(TranslateToFuzzReader::recombine(Function*)::Scanner*, Expression**), Expression**&>(void (*&)(TranslateToFuzzReader::recombine(Function*)::Scanner*, Expression**), Expression**&)
    113    1.1%    1.1%  Function: *std::__2::pair<std::__2::__hash_iterator<std::__2::__hash_node<std::__2::__hash_value_type<LocalGet*, SmallSet<LocalSet*, 2ul>>, void*>*>, bool> std::__2::__hash_table<std::__2::__hash_value_type<LocalGet*, SmallSet<LocalSet*, 2ul>>, std::__2::__unordered_map_hasher<LocalGet*, std::__2::__hash_value_type<LocalGet*, SmallSet<LocalSet*, 2ul>>, std::__2::hash<LocalGet*>, std::__2::equal_to<LocalGet*>, true>, std::__2::__unordered_map_equal<LocalGet*, std::__2::__hash_value_type<LocalGet*, SmallSet<LocalSet*, 2ul>>, std::__2::equal_to<LocalGet*>, std::__2::hash<LocalGet*>, true>, std::__2::allocator<std::__2::__hash_value_type<LocalGet*, SmallSet<LocalSet*, 2ul>>>>::__emplace_unique_key_args<LocalGet*, std::__2::piecewise_construct_t const&, std::__2::tuple<LocalGet* const&>, std::__2::tuple<>>(LocalGet* const&, std::__2::piecewise_construct_t const&, std::__2::tuple<LocalGet* const&>&&, std::__2::tuple<>&&)
    109    1.0%    1.1%  Function: *SimplifyLocals<true, true, true>::visitPost(SimplifyLocals<true, true, true>*, Expression**)
    101    0.9%    1.0%  Function: *CFGWalker<LocalGraphInternal::Flower, Visitor<LocalGraphInternal::Flower, void>, LocalGraphInternal::Info>::scan(LocalGraphInternal::Flower*, Expression**)

LocalGraph is high in both, as is malloc/free, which all makes sense. More suspicious is that ReFinalize takes over 10% in wasm while in native C++ it is hardly noticeable:

   0.81%  wasm-opt  wasm-opt              [.] wasm::PostWalker<wasm::ReFinalize, wasm::OverriddenVisitor<wasm::ReFinalize, void> >::scan(wasm::ReFinalize*, wasm::Expression**)
   0.58%  wasm-opt  wasm-opt              [.] wasm::Walker<wasm::ReFinalize, wasm::OverriddenVisitor<wasm::ReFinalize, void> >::pushTask(void (*)(wasm::ReFinalize*, wasm::Expression**), wasm

That might be related to inlining differences, if ReFinalize does lots of malloc/free which show up in C++ as malloc/free but are inlined in wasm and end up there as the calling function.

ReFinalize does not do that much work beyond a quick walk of the module, so this suggests all walks are slower in wasm...

kripken commented 8 months ago

(these numbers are all wasm-opt -all poppler.wasm -O3 -o out.wasm using poppler from the Emscripten test suite)

kripken commented 8 months ago

Actually after more careful measurements of a longer task, removing SINGLE_FILE, and reading elapsed time and not user (even with BINARYEN_CORES=1, V8 uses more cores internally, so user is higher), the multithreaded difference is just 1.5x and not 2x, and the single-threaded difference is just 1.3x. So we are quite close to native speed here, and there is still some (small) amount of extra multithreading overhead.

kripken commented 8 months ago

Enabling -flto on the wasm build (but not the native one, I didn't test that, so it's not apples to apples) improves from 1.3x on single-core to 1.25x.

There is a 0.5 second startup lag, however, related to the initial parse of the 6 MB wasm file I assume. Node.js doesn't cache compiled wasm atm AFAIK, but if it did do that (like browsers did) then that issue would mostly go away.