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WebAssembly logo voting #980

Closed s3ththompson closed 7 years ago

s3ththompson commented 7 years ago

It's time to vote on an official WebAssembly logo!

Please leave a :thumbsup: reaction to vote for your favorite logo(s) from the list below. The logo with the most thumbs up after 2 weeks will be deemed the official WebAssembly logo, pending approval from the author to release the assets with a CC0 license. (Other reactions will not be counted.)

These logos were the top 5 submissions to the logo submission thread #112.

EDIT: Voting has ended.

🎉 Congrats to @carlosbaraza with the winning design 🎉 !

We will be ensuring that the assets are properly documented and licensed in the next few days.

The official WebAssembly logo is:


s3ththompson commented 7 years ago

80b7e85c-8250-11e5-9f9e-f1c14e7f7f4f a617cf7c-8250-11e5-9437-03077ec3318a

by @Fogaccio

s3ththompson commented 7 years ago

webassembly webassembly_uni

by @dcodeIO

s3ththompson commented 7 years ago


by @carlosbaraza

s3ththompson commented 7 years ago

e5f4326c-19b3-11e5-9b14-392ce3806378 0a5a6cde-19b4-11e5-9f58-388d88159b3b

by @fstark

s3ththompson commented 7 years ago


by @ratishphilip

s3ththompson commented 7 years ago

Top 5 submissions end here

Good luck to all and thank you to @Fogaccio, @dcodeIO, @carlosbaraza, @fstark, and @ratishphilip for the submissions.

rauschma commented 7 years ago

I like #3 by @carlosbaraza. One caveat: the abbreviation for JavaScript is JS, but the abbreviation for WebAssembly isn’t WA, it’s wasm. Maybe put “wasm” instead of “WA” in the box?

kentcdodds commented 7 years ago

the abbreviation for WebAssembly isn’t WA, it’s wasm.

Maybe that's about to change? ;-)

rauschma commented 7 years ago

@kentcdodds Sure, why not. But pronouncing it would be more of a hassle.

kentcdodds commented 7 years ago

True... "double-u a" is a bit of a mouth-full 😞

rauschma commented 7 years ago

Maybe “dub-a”

zennad commented 7 years ago

Or, following wasm being pronounced "wah-sum", should it be "wah"?

arjun024 commented 7 years ago

My vote's for the black part of the design by @carlosbaraza (3rd). No to the blue ones.

MikeNGarrett commented 7 years ago

There doesn't appear to be a way to add reactions on the mobile version of github. If you're on mobile, you can switch to desktop at the bottom right of the page.

AdrianAntunez commented 7 years ago

From the above, a really like the @carlosbaraza one. It is simply, neat and the detail in the box to emphasise the relation between JS and wasm is a plus!

Turbo87 commented 7 years ago

One caveat: the abbreviation for JavaScript is JS, but the abbreviation for WebAssembly isn’t WA, it’s wasm.

@rauschma looks like that statement is true for all those proposals though 😉

callumlocke commented 7 years ago

Maybe “dub-a”


oldfartdeveloper commented 7 years ago

I like @Fogaccio. Looks good on everything and handles a variety of colors

sethlopezme commented 7 years ago

Just to give us an idea of what it would look like with "wasm" in the design by @carlosbaraza (3rd), I threw these examples together. Personally, I think the only one that really works well is the lowercase "wasm" (bottom left), but you lose the play on the angles between the capital W and capital A.


rossberg commented 7 years ago

@sethlopezme, I like it. The lowercase version is the only adequate one anyway (I wish people would stop shouting WASM -- it's not an acronym but a contraction).

cpatti97100 commented 7 years ago

great job, they're all wonderful anyway

ratishphilip commented 7 years ago

Hi, It feels a great honor to be selected as one of the top five. Thank you very much.

Just wanted to say this, my logo contains all the letters of WASM


May the best logo win!

TheLarkInn commented 7 years ago

3 well thought out, inspired and creative, yet simple and easy for anyone to understand

link0047 commented 7 years ago

I like #1

distransient commented 7 years ago

It's not necessary to leave comments just to voice your support 😛 let your votes speak for each submission, so you don't accidentally spam peoples notifications

carlosbaraza commented 7 years ago

This is the repository to my CC0 licensed logo proposal: https://github.com/carlosbaraza/web-assembly-logo

@s3ththompson I like the approach. I tried to do something similar when I was designing the logo. These are some of my previous attempts, trying to fit wasm in the boxed logo:

previous logo design attempts with full WASM

Some pitfalls:

sabertazimi commented 7 years ago

awesome job!

adalberth commented 7 years ago

The one by @ratishphilip

paran0a commented 7 years ago

Main thing I dislike about @Fogaccio logo, even thought it looks great, it doesn't tell a story it needs to tell. It looks like a sport clothing line logo , hip, modern , fresh. I feel like a wasm logo should portray different kind of ideas and feelings. The closest I see is @carlosbaraza's logo. Good job !

ghost commented 7 years ago

As I see WebAssembly low

toptalo commented 7 years ago

:+1: @ratishphilip

brianblakely commented 7 years ago

Putting in for #3. It works even without the text, and more things could go inside of that box, such as a library or toolchain product that exploits wasm. So, I don't see the "WA" usage as being problematic.

Having an iconic shape will be very excellent as more and more of software development funnels through wasm as a universal platform.

caiolima commented 7 years ago

It is just me that can't use 👍🏾 On post directly?

I vote in the first one.

brianblakely commented 7 years ago

@caiolima - I cannot (latest iOS)

ngerritsen commented 7 years ago

I vote for #3. Simple clean and a good fit, others are nice too btw!

leimonio commented 7 years ago

Amazing job with all the logos! #3 though really got me, simple and perfect fit with the rest community's logos.

loslch commented 7 years ago

I like #1 (@Fogaccio) :+1: especially color and shape.

jamiebuilds commented 7 years ago

Now we have to do this one.

screen shot 2017-02-09 at 1 46 44 pm
Malm commented 7 years ago

👍 @carlosbaraza

bobajeff commented 7 years ago

I still think it should either be a pure logomark or the logotype should say "WebAssembly" or "wasm". That or make"WA" ('double-yew ay') the official shorthand and file extension (.wa). Also, not fond of how all of the logos insistence on using all caps.

SamVsCode commented 7 years ago

Please let it be the last one. It would look so cool on my laptop as a sticker. @ratishphilip i hope you win.

yoda commented 7 years ago

@ratishphilip but its a little screwy for color blindish

joshuapassos commented 7 years ago


mdxprograms commented 7 years ago

The simple black on white minimal design by @fstark looks great and good on anything.

giorgiobeggiora commented 7 years ago

3 for me

mbebenita commented 7 years ago

Just wanted to point out that @Fogaccio's logo reads as VM, if you rotate it 180 degrees, which is kinda fitting.


shakepompom commented 7 years ago


marianban commented 7 years ago


ndrau commented 7 years ago

I like @Fogaccio 's Design👍🏼

sshaw commented 7 years ago

Logo 3 only works when the JS logo is included. Otherwise, please no 👎.