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WebAssembly logo voting #980

Closed s3ththompson closed 7 years ago

s3ththompson commented 7 years ago

It's time to vote on an official WebAssembly logo!

Please leave a :thumbsup: reaction to vote for your favorite logo(s) from the list below. The logo with the most thumbs up after 2 weeks will be deemed the official WebAssembly logo, pending approval from the author to release the assets with a CC0 license. (Other reactions will not be counted.)

These logos were the top 5 submissions to the logo submission thread #112.

EDIT: Voting has ended.

🎉 Congrats to @carlosbaraza with the winning design 🎉 !

We will be ensuring that the assets are properly documented and licensed in the next few days.

The official WebAssembly logo is:


InstanceOfAnObject commented 7 years ago

I vote for the third because is the only one that is clear and aligned with the rest of the ecosystem. The first one is also nice but for someone looking at it out of context is can mean anything... it could even represent a trident and a pyramid :)

twknab commented 7 years ago

Where can one without exposure to wasm/wa get some exposure? Curious...any good intros or basic projects out there to play?

urrri commented 7 years ago


urrri commented 7 years ago


urrri commented 7 years ago


rossberg commented 7 years ago

@s3ththompson I like the approach.

@carlosbaraza, I suppose you meant @sethlopezme.

mackiedrew commented 7 years ago

3 for sure, so simple

tyler-c commented 7 years ago


tsirolnik commented 7 years ago

Dropping my logo again, it had many good reactions back then on the other issue


distransient commented 7 years ago

Honestly, it's a crime that parts of the working group have led a coup that refuses to add the logo proposed by @tsirolnik, which received a majority of the body's votes. Shameful

carlosbaraza commented 7 years ago

@distransient @tsirolnik I like it for the following reasons:

jfbastien commented 7 years ago

Two weeks are up, congrats @carlosbaraza on the beautiful design!

Final 👍 count 1228 / 134 / 1496 / 91 / 269.