WebAssembly / wasi-keyvalue

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WASI Key-Value Store

A proposed WebAssembly System Interface API.

Current Phase

WASI Key-Value is currently in Phase 2.


Portability Criteria

wasi:keyvalue must have at least two implementations in terms of relevant mainstream key-value stores in each of the following categories:

  1. Open-source key-value stores like Redis, Memcached, Etcd etc.
  2. Proprietary key-value stores like AWS DynamoDB, Azure CosmosDB, Google Cloud Firestore etc.

The implementations must be able to run on Linux, MacOS, and Windows.

A testsuite that passes on the platforms and implementations mentioned above.

Table of Contents


This wasi:keyvalue proposal defines a collection of interfaces for interacting with key-value stores. It additionally defines a world, wasi:keyvalue/imports, that groups together common interfaces including

  1. Store operations on single key-value pairs
  2. Atomic operations on single key-value pairs
  3. Batch operations on multiple key-value pairs

There is also an additional world called wasi:keyvalue/handle-watch, which includes the full imports world as well as a set of interfaces for watching for changes to a key-value store.

The API is designed to hide data-plane differences between different key-value stores. The control-plane behavior/functionality (e.g., including cluster management, data consistency, replication, and sharding) are not specified, and are provider specific.

[Interfaces]: https://github.com/WebAssembly/component-model/blob/main/design/mvp/WIT.md#wit-interfaces


The primary goal of this API is to allow WASI programs to access a wide variety of key-value stores. This means the wasi:keyvalue interfaces should be implementable by a wide variety of key-value stores, including but not limited to: in-memory key-value stores, on-disk key-value stores, document databases, relational databases, and either single-node or distributed key-value stores.

The second goal of wasi:keyvalue interfaces is to abstract away the network stack, allowing applications that need to access key-value stores to not worry about what network protocol is used to access the key-value store.

A third design goal of wasi:keyvalue interfaces is to allow performance optimizations without compromising the portability of the API. This includes minimizing the number of copies of data, minimizing the number of requests and round-trips, and support for asynchronous operations.


API walk-through

The proposal can be understood by first reading the comments of world.wit, store.wit, atomic.wit, and batch.wit.

Working with the WIT

Bindings can be generated from the wit directory via:

wit-bindgen c wit/ --world imports

and can be validated and otherwise manipulated via:

wasm-tools component wit wit/ ...

References & acknowledgements

This proposal was inspired by Dapr's [State API]

State API

Change log