WebDevStudios / Etsy-Product-Importer-for-WordPress

Etsy product importer for WordPress
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=== Etsy Importer === Contributors: coreymcollins, webdevstudios Plugin Name: Etsy Importer Plugin URI: http://www.webdevstudios.com Tags: etsy, store, shop, import, importer Author: WebDevStudios Author URI: http://www.webdevstudios.com Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.5.2 Stable tag: 1.4.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html

Import your Etsy store's products as posts in a custom post type.

== Description ==

This plugin will allow you to import your entire Etsy shop's inventory into WordPress as posts in a Products custom post type. All you have to do is supply an API Key for an Etsy application and the ID of your shop and the plugin will do the rest.

The Etsy Importer will not only import your products but will also:

Not only do we import your products, but we add some shortcodes to help you integrate your products into blog posts.

Pluginize was launched in 2016 by WebDevStudios to promote, support, and house all of their WordPress products. Pluginize is not only creating new products for WordPress all the time, but also provides ongoing support and development for WordPress community favorites like CPTUI, CMB2, and more.

= Shortcodes =

Display a link to your product - either as a link to the post within your site using the post title as the link text: [product_link id=569] [product_link id=569 title="This is a great new product"]

Or as an external link to your Etsy product page: [product_link id=569 title="This is a great new product" external=true]

Display your product's post content trimmed to whatever length you wish. If no value is set for the length, the full content of the post will be displayed: [product_content id=569 length=50]

Display your product's images in a Thickbox gallery using WordPress' built-in Thickbox jQuery and CSS: [product_images id=569]

== Installation ==

  1. Upload the 'etsy-importer' directory to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Visit the plugin settings page ('/wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=etsy_products&page=etsy_options') to begin your import.
  4. Enter your Etsy application API Key and your Etsy shop ID and hit the "Save Changes" button to save your information.
  5. Hit the "Import Products" button to begin importing your products.

== Screenshots ==

  1. In order to import your products, you first need to register an application with Etsy here: https://www.etsy.com/developers/register
  2. Once you have created your app, click "Apps You've Made" in the sidebar and select your new app. On the app detail page, copy the value in the Keystring input field. This is your API Key.
  3. To retrieve your shop's ID, begin by visiting the front page of your shop and viewing the source.
  4. We want one specific line, whose meta name is "apple-itunes-app". The number you see below following "etsy://shop/" is your store ID.

== Other Notes ==

The Etsy Importer allows for the filtering of content throughout the course of posts being imported. Below are the filters available, with details on what they do and how they can be modified.

= etsy_importer_default_post_status = The default post status your post will be set to when a product being imported is currently ACTIVE.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_default_post_status() {

return 'publish';

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_default_post_status', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_default_post_status' );`

= etsy_importer_updated_post_status = The post status your existing post will be set to when its corresponding product is currently NOT ACTIVE.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_updated_post_status() {

return 'draft';

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_updated_post_status', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_updated_post_status' );`

= etsy_importer_updated_post_args = The post arguments passed to update posts when importing products.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_updated_post_args( $post_args ) {

// Always set the post with the ID 45 to publish
if( 45 == $post_args[ID] ) {
    $post_args[post_status] = 'publish';

return $post_args;

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_updated_post_args', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_updated_post_args' );`

= etsy_importer_custom_post_type_key = The custom post type key.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_custom_post_type_key() {

return 'my_products';

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_custom_post_type_key', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_custom_post_type_key' );`

= etsy_importer_category_key = The custom post type's Category key.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_category_key() {

return 'my_category';

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_category_key', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_category_key' );`

= etsy_importer_tag_key = The custom post type's Tag key.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_tag_key() {

return 'my_tag';

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_tag_key', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_tag_key' );`

= etsy_importer_product_link_shortcode = Filter the output of the product link shortcode.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_link_shortcode( $output, $atts ) {

// Output a custom value based on the post ID
if ( 4439 == $atts['id'] ) {

    $output = 'This is my custom output for post ID 4439';


// Return the output
return $output;

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_product_link_shortcode', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_link_shortcode', 10, 2 );`

= etsy_importer_product_content_shortcode = Filter the output of the product content shortcode.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_content_shortcode( $output, $atts ) {

// Output a custom value based on the post ID
if ( 4439 == $atts['id'] ) {

    $output = 'This is my custom output for post ID 4439';


// Return the output
return $output;

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_product_content_shortcode', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_content_shortcode', 10, 2 );`

= etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode_args = Filter the args passed when displaying a product's images.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode_args( $args ) {

// Limit the number of images displayed to 1
$args['posts_per_page'] = 1;

// Return the args
return $args;

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode_args', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode_args' );`

= etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode_thumb_size = Filter the size of the thumbnail iamge shown when displaying a product's images.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode_thumb_size( $atts ) {

// Use the 'large' image size to display images
return 'large';

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode_thumb_size', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode_thumb_size' );`

= etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode = Filter the output of the product images shortcode.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode( $output, $atts ) {

// Display a different output based on post ID
if ( 4439 == $atts['id'] ) {
    $output = 'Visit my Etsy shop to view my images.';

// Return the output
return $output;

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_images_shortcode', 10, 2 );`

= etsy_importer_product_import_insert_args = Filter the arguments passed when importing your products.

Usage: `function your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_import_insert_args( $args, $product ) {

// Filter the post arguments used when importing your posts
// In this example, we are adding "My product: " to the beginning of the post title
$args['post_title'] = 'My product: ' . esc_html( $product->title );

// Return the output
return $args;

} add_filter( 'etsy_importer_product_import_insert_args', 'your_project_modify_etsy_importer_product_import_insert_args', 10, 2 );`

== Changelog ==

= 1.4.0 =

= 1.3.2 =

= 1.3.1 =

= 1.3.0 =

= 1.2.0 =

= 1.1.1 =

= 1.1.0 =

= 1.0.0 =