WebDevStudios / WDS-Simple-Page-Builder

Uses existing template parts in the currently-active theme to build a customized page with rearrangeable elements.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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WDS Simple Page Builder

WDS Simple Page Builder

Uses existing template parts in the theme to dynamically build a custom page layout, per page. An options page allows you to define your template part directory (if you wanted to keep these template parts separate from other template parts) and the template part prefix you are using.

Questions? Check out the wiki!


To use this plugin, your theme template files must have the following do_action wherever you want the template parts to load:

<?php do_action( 'wds_page_builder_load_parts' ); ?>

This will take care of loading the correct template parts in the order you specified. You can also specify a specific saved layout by passing the layout name to the do_action as a second parameter, like this:

<?php do_action( 'wds_page_builder_load_parts', 'my-saved-layout' ); ?>

Note: With saved layouts, the name you pass to the do_action must match exactly the way it is saved on the options page. So, if your layout was instead named "my saved layout", you would need to pass it to the do_action with the spaces intact.

Page vs Global Parts vs Saved Layouts

The page builder will, by default, use the template parts that were set on the page when you set them on the Edit page screen. However, if no template parts were defined on the individual page, you can also set Global Template Parts that will load on all pages that don't have their own, individual template parts defined.

You can leave the Global setting to "- No Template Parts -" to not define any global template parts if individual page-specific template parts weren't set.

Saved layouts are used when there is no layout set for that page (or post) with Global layouts used as a generic fallback. You can set a saved layout to be the default layout for all posts of a type or you can call them specifically when you add the do_action to your theme template files.


Dynamically add template parts within the Edit Page screen and reorder those components. page builder ui

The results are saved to post meta on the page and visible as soon as you save the page. page builder front-end

Options page options page









