WebKit / standards-positions

WebKit's positions on emerging web specifications
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Private State Token API #72

Open dvorak42 opened 1 year ago

dvorak42 commented 1 year ago

Request for position on an emerging web specification

Information about the spec

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Anything else we need to know

The Trust Token is an implementation of an earlier version of privacypass as a method to allow websites to use privacy-preserving tokens. The initial shipped version will be shipping based on earlier privacypass technology, with plans to bring it into alignment with the standardized version of the protocol with a future revision.

tfpauly commented 1 year ago

Since iOS/macOS support what will be the standardized IETF version of privacy pass, I don't think we have any intent of supporting the older versions that trust token wraps up.

dvorak42 commented 1 year ago

Putting aside the version of privacypass that Trust Token wraps, does Apple have a position on exposing these sort of tokens as a general token on the web that web-based attesters/issuers could issue and then redeem, versus the private access token approach where the attester is the device manufacturer/operator.

dvorak42 commented 1 year ago

FYI: We've renamed this API and added a W3C spec document: https://wicg.github.io/trust-token-api/