WebKit / standards-positions

WebKit's positions on emerging web specifications
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ietf khronos specifications standards tc39 unicode w3c webkit whatwg

WebKit's positions on emerging web specifications

What is this Repository?

The WebKit Open Source Project uses this GitHub repository to come to consensus on various web specification proposals. We do this through issues in this repository.

Please file an issue if you'd like us to generate a position on some web-facing API.

For an overview of (settled) positions, see webkit.org's Standards Positions. For positions that pre-date this repository, see the webkit-dev mailing list archives.

Possible positions

Only once a label is assigned to an issue does it represent WebKit's position. Individual responses to issues do not represent WebKit's position on a specification or feature thereof. Positions are not final. We are happy to revisit positions as new information becomes available.

Note that positions on this repository do not reflect implementation status. We might like something we do not get around to implement for one reason or another. And we might dislike something we nevertheless have to implement.

Other possible issue states

Resolving an issue with a position

Reviewing proposals is always encouraged and as such please leave feedback and add relevant labels to issues.

To add a "position: X" label where X is one of the positions documented above, please follow this simple process so there is opportunity for WebKit-at-large to reflect and chime in as needed. As WebKit consists of many individuals across companies and timezones some asynchronicity is desirable.

  1. Leave a comment with your suggested "position: X" label, rationale (as needed), and a deadline for further feedback that’s at least 7 days in the future. Depending on the time of year or complexity of the item under review you might want to prolong this.
  2. After the deadline has passed, if there were no requests for more time, no objections, and ideally you had some support through thumbs up or comments with additional context, your suggested "position: X" label can be added.
  3. You did it! 🎉

Helpful links for triaging standards position requests