WebStandardsFuture / Vision

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Strategic Goals needs a revision #22

Open cwilso opened 3 years ago

cwilso commented 3 years ago

As per @michaelchampion's comment at https://github.com/WebStandardsFuture/Vision/pull/20#pullrequestreview-605767389:

First, the heading says "goals" (which implies WHAT statements) but the bullet points talk about HOW to pursue the goals. I'd suggest rephrasing, e.g. "everyone can use the web regardless of physical ability or language and culture", "users are confident in the web's integrity with confidence in its security and respect for privacy", "the interests and perspectives of currently underrepresented stake holders such as end users, content creators, website developers, etc. are fairly considered in evolving the web platform", etc.

There are 9 bullets, that's too many for the target audience to process and remember without close, repeated readings. Reduce them to the 3 to 5 most important points you want the reader to take away. One way to do this would be byremoving those that are directed at an internal rather than external audience ; "Establish the unique global brand identity for W3C" is just not something that someone without strong affinity for the current organization is likely to care about.

Another way would be by combining similar points, such as "Further improve the environment..." and "establish collaborative relationship ...". Yes, they are saying different things, but the larger goal is the same: W3C is a community where diverse member organizations, other standards and open source bodies, and user-focused people and groups can work together fairly and effectively to improve web standards.

Also "Evolve the extensible web architecture to empower industries and individuals to address the evolving user’s needs" and "Reinforce efforts on incubation, make it more structured and improve consensus building among the key stake holders" are more or less the same goal: Evolve the platform to address changing user needs in an inclusive, consensus-driven manner.

Here's some text implementing these suggestions, more to illustrate the points than as something ready to offer as a PR:

Strategic Goals

dwsinger commented 2 years ago

To develop strategic goals, we should have a time-frame and some idea of goals and actions towards those goals. Perhaps some questions might help in developing those?

  1. What gaps do you currently see (a) inside W3C specifications (b) between W3C specifications and (c) between W3C specifications and those of other bodies?

  2. Over the next 5 years, how do you see the field of webtechnology-based communications developing? What new uses and applications, what new fields of deployment, and what new demands may be placed on the field?

  3. How do the strategic goals of W3C relate to those of other bodies, such as the ITU, Unicode, and ISO? Are there gaps? Bteween us, are we serving society in the ways needed, or are the gaps holding society back?