WebStandardsFuture / Vision

Repository to iterate on vision document.
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this work has moved to https://github.com/w3c/AB-public/tree/main/Vision.

A New Focus for the W3C: Improving the Web’s Integrity


The World Wide Web was conceived more than 25 years ago as a tool for sharing information. It has become much more than that; it is a fundamental part of the lives of much of humanity, enabling access to information, education, commerce and shopping, social experiences, civic functions, entertainment, and more.

The Web is a force for good; indeed, it has catalyzed major social changes. At the same time, the Web's phenomenal success has led to many unintended consequences that inflict significant distress on society: openness and anonymity enable scams, phishing, and fraud. Ease of gathering personal information spawned business models that mined and sold detailed user behaviors, without people’s awareness or consent. The acceleration of global information sharing enabled misinformation to flourish, be exploited for political or commercial gain, divide societies, and incite hate. We must do better. We must take steps to address these unintended consequences in the standards we develop.

Technology is not neutral; new technologies facilitate new actions, and enable new possibilities. We are proud of the good enabled by our web technologies; we will take the responsibility to use our values both to assess the potential and actual impact of our work (especially harms caused by that work), and to optimize these technologies throughout their lifecycles.

Our vision is for a World Wide Web that is more inclusive, and more respectful of its users: a Web that supports truth better than falsehood, people more than profits, humanity rather than hate.

We will improve the fundamental integrity of the Web platform. The Web will not only grow in scope and importance in our lives; it will grow in respect for its users, grow in the trust of its users, grow in its inclusion of all humanity as its users.

Our new vision is built on these twin pillars:

Our Values

These are the core values of the Web:

Our Principles

The W3C will function with these strategic principles:

Our Purpose: Focusing on the Integrity of the Web

The W3C's purpose is to:

Strategic Goals


We are:

These define the global brand of the W3C.

Acknowledgements and Supporting Material