Scripts used to fetch the HTML files from top Alexa sites.
The top 1 million Alexa sites csv is downloaded, unzipped, and the URLs are extracted from it.
Note: only the top 100,000 sites are kept for downloding.
The URLs are then fed to a Python script that downloads the HTML files and their HTTP headers using a process pool (to minimize waiting).
Errors are reported to a log file (as below).
If you're on Linux or OS X, simply run ./
and you should be
good to go. If you're on Windows, cygwin may
be your best bet.
If you want to fetch resources other than Alexa's top HTMLs, you can do
that by doing something like
cat urls.txt | xargs -I % -n 1 -P64 ./ download %
If you use virtualenv, you can install the required Python package locally:
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Whenever you want to run this script, use:
. venv/bin/activate
If you use autoenv the activation step will be done automatically on entering the directory.
The resulting directory structure is:
The resulting files have an ".html.txt" extension for the data files and ".html.hdr.txt" extension for the header files.
A java based script is available to get statistics on html tags/attributes with CSS-like queries.
See the Queries on WebDevData wiki.