WeichenRan / 2021EBU6305G39

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Group Number:2021EBU6305G39

Project Title:


Weichen Ran,2019213259,190899004,jp2019213259@qmul.ac.uk

Zhenglin Xian,2019213264,190899668,leixiaobao778@gmail.com

Yunhui Wang, 2019213251, 190899417, 2019213251@bupt.edu.cn

Haiwen Zhang, 2019213266, 190900344, 2019213266@bupt.edu.cn

Jiaqi Zhang, 2019213161, 190900229, cn-jackie@outlook.com

Assigned TA:Anyi Zhang, zhanganyi@bupt.edu.cn

Declaration The commits in the main branch are not Accurate contribution of team members. Some members of the group are difficult to stably connect to GitHub, so some code changes in GitHub are uploaded by some other members. An issues is opend to clarify the work content of each member.